“Nothing is at last sacred, but the integrity of our own mind.”-Ralph Waldo Emerson – WF Online Shishya Daniel Sauve during a Meditation clinic/workout at his recent WF Private Intensive
coach in Ardha Matsyendrasana; one of those great “Karmic Keys” into the often painful, barbed wire intensity of my hips. this and the photo of Ananda and i in Vashisthasana variation (below) by Melissa Grimes. *** i realize that most men my age have already invested most of their energy, training time, and well; lives […]
“A man and a woman sit near each other;as they breathe they feed someone we do not know,someone we know of, whom we have never seen.”– Robert Bly My Beloved Ananda is 4cm dilated.My life without child is nearly fully contracted.As much grief for my lifestyle ending accompaniesmy constant joy at the blossoming miracle of […]
As i’ve said to the great athletes which have trusted in me since 1982;“The Path Works, when YOU work the Path!”Long time WF and HP Yoga Student Timari, who can be seen in this national ad is wise enough to know and trust in a “Big Medicine” Path like WF…after her victory in Monterey she […]
“In walking gracefully and gratefully upon sharp stones,two things might help;do not resist the sharpness,andcarry well the mantra.”– coach ilg note:in the Wholistic Fitness Personal Training System, it is traditionally important to return some sort of toughness to the naked foot. The prevailing addiction to shoes is a (weakened) root cause of most dis-eases affecting […]
the first thing ilg feels the need for after a hard Cardio workout (which is predominately a ‘yin’ endeavor) is the deep fiber masculinity of Strength Training (which is predominately a ‘yang’ endeavor). This devotion to yin/yang balance (aka; Shakti/Shiva in yoga) is known as Wholistic Fitness. To cultivate too much of either yin or […]
a mountain cabin, elegant in its dilapidated simplicity, on Kendrick Peak – the subject of yesterdays DL which inspired several DL fans to write to me such as George below. thank you all for choosing to be Here Now. photo by ilg. Dear Coach,in yesterday’s jaw-dropping DL you wrote;“They don’t make extinct volcano’s like this […]
Though this DL was inspired by my 10-mile Mountain Peak Run this morning… …i Dedicate this DL to my Beloved Ananda. only imagination can serve me for what endurance is required to keep fit for a 9-month pregnancy leading into the most Divine Workout that any human can experience. Mountains come in all kinds. All […]