CHI HIT #1)“Two things don’t lie – the mirror and the scale. I don’t plan to lose to either.” – Lance Armstrongsent in by Shishya L’Gate *** CHI HIT #2) this following chi hit only takes a couple of minutes to view, and worth every second of it.of course…i woulda done it on my MINI-SKIS! […]
As requested from WF Fans and Tribal Warriors worldwide… everybody now has access to THE OFFICE WARRIOR WORKOUTour latest inclusion in our popular Pay-Per-PDF section of the WF Tribal Catalog! May your Strength feel Sacred for the rest of your days…here you go: OFFICE WARRIOR WORKOUT! REMEMBER; there is NO SHIPPING OR HANDLING FEES added […]
“Hello, and thank all of you for this prestigious honor…First, i would like to thank the ‘ab-cademy’ and my mother and father and…” okay maybe not. however, i would like to thank the alert WF Fan who GOOGLED “steve ilg” and found this article. you know, when i grew up, i used to get in […]
Rest in natural great peaceThis exhausted mindBeaten helpless by karma and neurotic thought,Like the relentless fury of the pounding wavesIn the infinite ocean of samsara.Rest in natural great peace. – NYOSHUL KHEN RINPOCHE *** “It is a Gift to have tear ducts.EMR is a very powerful Practice.”– Teacher Ananda, last week in counsel to a […]
okay, okay… ENOUGH ALREADY!!!! GEEZO…you all think having a baby is like having a baby or something!!! And the answer is… Daddy’s Boy or Daddy’s Girl?
From Hakado Ru’s Weekly Update to me: “YOGA: HP Prop DVD. Man, this just kicks my ass in so many ways…so many different ways…each and every time. There will be a major day of celebration in the Hak Household when I complete the entire 1:06 without stopping to catch my breath or rest a shakey […]
Every subatomic interaction consists of the annihilation of the original particles and the creation of new subatomic particles. The subatomic world is a continual dance of creation and annihilation, of mass changing into energy and energy changing into mass. Transient forms sparkle in and out of existence, creating a never-ending, forever newly created reality.– GARY […]