click here: WF Lifestyle Principle; Lateral Dominancy Thank you Oh Noble Shishya Hakado Ru! May it help. When we allow ourselves the unquestioned addiction to lateral dominancy,we create a neural, chemical, and spiritual dysfunction of massive proportion. Question everything; especially in which hand your computer mouse is always inand your spine while reading this. Dysfunction […]
“There are those who look on death with a naive, thoughtless cheerfulness, thinking that for some unknown reason death will work out all right for them, and that it is nothing to worry about. When I think of them, I am reminded of what one Tibetan master says: “People often make the mistake of being […]
Namaste Noble Seekers of Balance in ALL Things; especially in our Word Choices! i am pleased to announce that we have a victor in yesterday’s throw-down of my WF Spelling Guru Word Choice Challenge! that was a tough and tricky one. it was my Beloved and Cherished local HP Yoga Shishya, Ben “PaktiDass” Sullivan who […]
We have been taught to spend our lives chasing our thoughts and projections. Even when the ‘mind’ is talked about, it is only thoughts and emotions that are referred to; and when our researchers study what they imagine to be the mind, they look only at its projections. No one ever really looks into the […]
“i think over again my adventures,my fears,those small ones that seemed so big,for all of the vital things i had to get and reach,any yet there is only one great thing;to live and see the great day that dawnsand the light the fills the world.” – Innuit, 1928 Namaste Noble Ones,Ananda and i are back […]
StarbucksBernalillo, New Mexico – predawn humidity seeps from luscious overlays of clouds. a peloton of 50+ Canadian Geese take graceful flight from the sandy banks of the turbid Rio Grande. i feel pulled to extract the mystic beauty of my h(om)eland in Direct Lines straight into you like a Padmasambhava shot Dharma arrow. If each […]
i don’t know if there are too many people on the planet that have abused their skin/face in the outdoors as much as i. however,my 25-year allegiance to the SUNRIDER Herb skin/face care products have kept my skin aglow, supple, and physiologically capable of effectively respirating the tons of sweat and toxins that pass through […]
Alert WF Veteran Student Cerame was quick to notice the WF Chi on the recent BioBuilde newsletter…great job, MC! here is the link:ilg crankin on Tsidool to get on the BioBuilde program that i endorse and to receive my complimentary guidance,order two bottles from this link; Get On The Aminos With Coach