
Been a fan of yours for some time, have read a few of your books over the year! (loved them all) especially “The Outdoor Athlete”, I should re-read it. Like my wife (Texas) you have been doing the yoga thang before it got popular and trendy (always respected you for that).

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I wonder if you remember teaching me my first yoga pose…in your driveway at a garage sale of yours 5 years ago?!

I finally got into doing yoga over a year ago and have not stopped! love it!

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Before i pinned yet another Auspicious race number upon my jersey yet again…a smile as wide as my most open Upavisthva Konasana permeated my face as i punched the safety pins through the race bib…
they say a Teacher should be judged by the wisdom and capacity of his Students…
so, here, on this Sacred Pilgrimage night of nights is
why feeble, ol’ ilg was grinning like a newborn
and feeling so Blessed to have and to race with the Spirits
of such amazing Students as Thee:

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… one word for you *inspire* which you clearly do for so many…

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the impression you made on me is indelible. You mentioned my ‘Metta’ but if there’s any Metta I have with Yoga, it started with and grew from you Coach…

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Hope you don’t mind, I just have such fond memories of your Yoga instruction I thought I’d share this one. Thank you for all you were willing to share with me Coach!

– Ross

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(all access) Student Mac shares the Love…

“Thank you to the greatest Coach I’ve ever had!! XO”

McKenzie Westmore

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“WOW! What an incredible HP Yoga™ NO FLOW last night! That Blue Light Meditation that we started out with was simply out of this world as I was during that series! Thank You Steve Ilg! I’m still floating above it all!”

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