I have to teach all physical therapists tomorrow and I am meditating on what you told me long ago – to just keep teaching from my heart…
I have to teach all physical therapists tomorrow and I am meditating on what you told me long ago – to just keep teaching from my heart…
Namaste Noble Herbal Warriors!
what strikes me most about these features is the fact that most of these people have been eating the
regenerative whole food herbs of SUNRIDER – like myself – for over 20 years!
enjoy, and…eat an Herb!
head bowed and right here to help you with your SR Journey!
coach ilg
Noble Sangha,
if you recall my conversation with Sue about how to turn on your family, friends, and contacts to SUNRIDER Whole Food Herbs; the most pure, concentrated, intelligent, ancient, and pranically powerful whole foods remaining on our plane(t)…i contacted SR World Headquarters inquiring the most time-efficient move to send those interested in learning more about SUNRIDER…here is what he said:
i mean, really…who do you know that is not only as fit as ilg at age 50, yet still is sooo in love with the
very same world-class whole-food herbs to this day as he was when he first began eating them 27 years ago?
pic; our kitchen counter contains our go-to SUNRIDER Whole Food Herbs, the ASEA Sacred Water, and the MAP Amino Acids…the Esteemed Nutritional Core of WF… all other dietary foods provide only calories, enjoyment, appreciation, and variety.
check it out, and let me know how ilg can help guide your own cellular body to ongoing higher levels of regenerative fitness:
i’ve always told you – for the past 3 decades – how important these Secret Herbs are for our long-term Health and Higher Vibration…
this winter at age 50? 10 out of 10 possible podiums in 4 different winter sports…including 3 overall titles and a new course record…
how do you think that makes me feel about all the people who haven’t started or worse… QUIT Sunrider? sad…very sad.
in the following video, i was taken aback by the notion of seeing the SR Herbs as ‘pre-juiced’… i love her line below, “Dr. Chen has already done all the
juicing for us,” and she is absolutely right! Quinary, for instance, has over 50 (yes, FIFTY) potent herbs already juiced, dried, and intensely concentrated to help
heal, nourish, and empower our 5 organ systems; (Circulatory, T-Cell, Respiratory, Reproductive/Agni, Digestive)….