(free) MEDIUM FORM DVD Triggers Available!

OFFICIAL TEMPLE DOCUMENT: Attention All Members,  the TRIGGER NOTES for steve ilg’s MEDIUM FORM FLEXIBILITY™ DVD is now posted in the WF SanghaLounge, under PRODUCTS/Medium Form i’m gonna try to upload the FREE MEDIUM FORM emovie for all Members by Wednesday so you’ll have it for the holiday! Keep Cranking Within, coach ilg photo; Joy […]

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This is THE CLASSIC Flexibility Routine of Wholistic Fitness™ since 1982! Originally appeared in Coach’s old, “4 Kinesthetic Teachings of WF” VHS video! Watch and flow with Coach as he enjoys demonstrating this ultra-classic sequence in only 3 1/2 minutes which back in the 1980’s helped usher in the acceptance of “yoga for athletes” before even the word “Yoga” was acceptable by mainstream athletes!

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ilg thinking

Dear Mr. Ilg,

First I must say I have long respected your astonishing intellect about wholistic training and noble sport performance done for spiritual reasons. Your books have inspired me and my family, I want to make sure you know that. Thank you.

Now…please also understand that I understand that among several other deeply perturbing ‘training assignments’, you actually coach your students to pee in the sink presumably “to save water.” This struck me as so utterly divorced from what a “Personal Trainer” and ” Yogi” should be…please, tell me that such crude behavior is just rumor!

A Precariously Perched Fan

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Delayment of Instant Gratification: WF Student Adam 'gets it'

A personal 5-hour Media Fast and Silent Retreat paid off handsomely during teaching a HP Yoga® Restorative Yoga class to 12 Warriors in the Cave of Champions. As a new daddy, it required a tremendous effort to carve out this mini-retreat; yet, ilg realizes just how important it is to my capacities as a teacher, […]

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The "Correct Way" to say the Sacred Tribal Mantra, and…one of my last Blogs

My Precious Mala Girl…Dewachen…my incarnated Rinpoche within my own h(om)e…strutting Her Mala groove in front of the WF Tribal Puja *** as you may know by now, the receiving of a Blessed Mantra by one’s accepted Teacher is essentially a blessing of an incarnation. many of you that have not formally approached me for a […]

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Visceralization vs. Visualization – A WF Key To Heightened Performance

“…most conventionally trained athletes and corporate warriors have heard and learned about visualization; the art of ‘seeing yourself’ perform a given action on what is essentially a pre-schoolers version of the Astral Realm, before animating the action on the Physical Realm…however, only WF Athletes know about a far Higher Technique, a Technique i call, Visceralization.” […]

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Soaring Higher Than Jet Lag

Published on Jan 25, 2010 by in WF Teachings


Dear Coach Ilg,Sorry to bother you yet i have not figured out how to cross reference your DL teachings.For example i would like to learn about (“see my Teaching on how to preserve Prana during airplane and car travel”) . The only way i can figure, to look this up is to scan back thru […]

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