Once there was a Dzogchen yogi who lived unostentatiously, surrounded, however, by a large following of disciples. A certain monk, who had an exaggerated opinion of his own learning and scholarship, was jealous of the yogi, whom he knew not to be very well read at all. He thought: “How does he, just an ordinary […]
Those of you who have taken my HP Yoga™ Restorative classes are seemingly surprised by the serenity of the dialogue and the slow, delicious dance into the niceties of this quieting practice of seated forward bends, twists, and side bends intended to clear the stress of the day and the lactic acid from the recent workouts for a go(o)d night’s sleep thanks to the deep neural relaxation afforded to you by this Restorative Practice.
click pics to deepen the chi hits… “Toeing The Start Line,” has long been a catch phrase of mine. Here is why. Doing what is required to simply Toe The Start Line of a race (or of a performance) is tantamount to cultivating the Warrior qualities which the Ancient Enlightened Ones advised as key for […]
HP Yogi JVS; he’s on the MAP Aminos, he’s been flawless in consistently taking my HP Yoga classes at The Hub…he’s lost bucketloads of weight, and this Saturday, he toes the Start Line of one of America’s most intensely sacred mountain yogic pilgrimages available to any yogi worthy of the name; the Imogene Pass Run. […]
us Wholistic Fitness® yogis are easy to spot in September; we can’t resist crankin’ a Crane Posture on a sun-baked rock while out running…photo of ilg by Ananda during yesterday’s Wholistic Strollercise® with my girls. It’s early September…a blissful 30 day crush of utter perfectionwhen the sattvic wave of summer begins to shrivel like forlorn […]
“What stories,what ‘mental tapes’are you attached tothat destroys your serenity?” – coach steve ilg – camping rumination click on pics to enlarge the chi hit yesterday, way up high on the Colorado Trail near Molas Pass; i’m trying to teach Dewa how to look like Clint Eastwood in this pic by Ananda because, “It’s a […]
“The tightness will not resolve by itself.The pains, the aches, the lack of equanimity…those are all beacons streaming from our Inner Lighthouse.Feeble ilg says, Just Do The Practice and Begin Again and Again, and Endlessly Again tobreathe into and release that which is restricting us.Don’t ignore the Inner Lighthouse! Honor your Inner Light!”– coach ilg‘the […]
Steve Ilg is the… same as all-ways;stunned by how difficult it is for me to keep opening my hips while cranking consistent cardio volumes and intensities, especially peak running…how cOMe so few seem enraptured with this High Endeavor? i mean; we now have a WHOLE LOT of “yoga stars” preaching about the Kundalini, Sushumna, Mula […]