here is an update on DawaG’s Noble Effort on Saturday thanks to YOUR SUPPORT! full story coming soon to WF.COM Members!
here is an update on DawaG’s Noble Effort on Saturday thanks to YOUR SUPPORT! full story coming soon to WF.COM Members!
“Our Mind is never at peace, for her nature is to be constantly active. Forgive her. However, our Breath, praise Be Here Now to the Lord, is always peaceful, observing, never attached…therefore, Oh Noble Yogi, dwell as often as possible within the Breath to balance the machinations of the nature of the mind’s jumping…” – coach steve ilg
pic: ilg squatting 320lbs for 10 reps at a bodyweight of 138lbs while logging 80 miles running per week and capable of rock climbing 5.11 when
5.12 was the highest technical lead.
go fetch.
since 1982
THANK YOU! as you know over the past 3+ decades, you can count on coach ilg to embrace only the the most important, vital, world-class projects, services, and products of our precious plane(t)…and so it is with getting Sandra “Dawagahti” Lee to make history this weekend, yet i need your help, now!
thank you for the temple bell rings… it has been too long since i heard those.. i long for the temple bell rings… it was something i have been missing for so so long. thank you for taking me back in time for those.
and since it has been a long time can you explain to me meaning of the temple bell rings…thank you
pic by Ananda; coach finishing an Early Morning Ritual when we lived beneath the Sacred Peak of Doko Oosliid
spent the last quarter hour lookin’ for my damned….errrrr, Blessed, reading glasses…ilg is sure this is a c(om)mon challenge among us AARP Members, right?
It’s all about how much of the protein is utilized by the body.
At the low end of the spectrum are whey and soy proteins – only 17% of their content is utilized by the body with 83% leaving as waste.
Food like meat, fish and poultry fare a bit better with 32% being absorbed and 68% being wasted.
Eggs are the winners in the food stakes with 48% being utilized with 52% waste.
Now compare those numbers to Master Amino Acid Pattern (MAP) – a massive 99% is put to work by the body, with only 1% leaving as waste. Not only that, but MAP is absorbed by the body within 23 minutes! And there is only 0.4 of a calorie per tablet.