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  Oh Dear God, Not Again, Dear God! No Go(o)d can come to ilg outta this… Dear Lord Buddha? What IS IT about Girls and a) Horses and b) Shoes?!?!! 😳 #girlsandshoes #daddydaughterafternoon #ineedhighmountainsquick #singledad #ilgswholisticfitness #consciousparenting so, the above paragraph/pic is what ilg posted on ilg’s social. yet? truly?  ilg KNOWS viscerally why girls […]

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Devotion is the essence of the path,

  Whenever ilg challenges his feeble conduit Higher? ilg devotes his feeble conduit toward our Higher Ones…   in so doing?   transforms every one of ilg’s struggles into pure, clean, Divine EFFORT… not struggle. What a BLESSING IS THAT!?!?! Devotion is the essence of the path, and if we have in mind nothing but […]

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  WF® KIDS CAMP DAY 2 of 4! reckon? feeble ilg might just give up teaching grown ups after this Camp… KIDS!??!   Way easier to relate to, coach to, and love to than Grown Ups!   lesson LEARNED!

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wf kids camp

  Wholistic Fitness™ Kids Camp begins this Monday with Coach Steve Ilg and Joy Kilpatrick!   Register through the Durango Recreational Center… Scholarships are available… please share with those who may be interested… thank you!

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pic of Dewa being silly on the left by Sandra Lee,  pic of Dewa being barely seen second Student fr(om) right student line by ilg..during this morning’s final Student Assembly at St.Columba Gotta say? My lil’ Lady is all full of surprises; today’s Assembly at #stcolumbadurango saw Dewa walk off with an Honor Roll (3rd […]

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yup, what an HONOR!  took charge of feeble ilg’s 5th Grade St. Columba MTB penultimate ride at the new SPUR LINE TRAILS at 3 Springs!   ilg BOWS DEEP to all the amazing super-over-worked parents who did what it took to deliver and pick up from my remote start/finish at Three Springs’ new SPUR LINE […]

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   High FIVE fr(om) Dewachen Ilg to ALL OF YOU   who CHOSE to STEP UP and support her St. Columba May 18th Fun Run which is pledge-driven to provide underprivileged kids like Dewa attend a School which happens to be ilg’s own Alma Mater: St. Columba. without this program? there was no other way her parents […]

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“When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe.” – John Muir   Today was Session 3 of our St. Columba 5th Grader MTB Camp. After Bike and Helmet Check and splashing $10 in chain lubricant over the kids chains?  i signaled ever awes(om)e Assistant Coach […]

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