Today – amazingly enough – marks the one-week out from perhaps my most special of all my three Sacred Sweat Pilgrimages of WF; the Iron Horse Bicycle Classic…at age 50 (which i turn during the 3-Day Race) ilg can BARELY BELIEVE how long, how treasured, how spiritually scintillating my humble, sweat-contingent life has been and thus remains…enjoy, be inspired…cuz, truly, your feeble coach really, really digs deep into every physiologic and psychologic realm to bring forth for you what remains the most unique, effective Path of Self Transformation through personal fitness that has c(om)e to grace Kali Yuga…Blessed Be All…

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remember the touch of your Daddy’s strong hand upon you when you were 4? the comfort? the Release into the Realization that you are Unconditionally Loved?!?

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This M(om)ent;  Dewachen re-iterates; Just Be…not that, not this…just BE!  PLUS: HIDDEN DISCOUNT until May 18th!!! read for details!

Lose the ego, gain Reality…

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Conscious Parenting…
1) Let Go Of Everything (you want)
2) Drop Into Everything (she wants)
3) Know that you are burning off selfish Karma by losing money, losing sense of (egoic) self, losing your mind, losing every-thing, while gaining that which is most imperative: another Soul’s nurturing by your devoted Presence…no matter what…

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so, when the chronic crush of negativity, aggression, and turbulent emotions arise in what my ego self calls, “the mediocrity of Fatherhood,” ilg HAS TO use Mindfulness as my go-to Protector for not creating more black karma

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Dewa’s First Day Bowling…and the Dharma rolls a perfect score…

Any being who aspires to Rise Higher…
and stays steadfast, determined, and focused
shall attain the siddhis..the yogic powers which bring individuated inSight
calibrated by the Divine
to keep our Awakening and our Enlightenment potentiation on track…

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“But Daaaaady…I NEED to take a picture of the Full Worm Moon, too you know…puh LEASE!!!?!”

i glanced at Amma in the short-handed visual eye communication which new parents use to circumvent the treasured milliseconds which are needed to make critical decisions ranging in everything from allowing our chi-ld to interrupt mealtime to take a picture of a beautiful moonrise to whether or not we should buy a new car (true story)…

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Dewachen recently, all snuggled up with her kitten, Trevor, looking on. No parent enjoys having a sick chi-ld. However, using my simple technique below will categorically change the situation toward a Higher and more Helpful space…

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