
  tis the simple actions within which a chi-ld expresses the fact that Go(o)d hides in the details… Dewa’s fingertip artistry upon my cellphone’s Memopad…a spotted pony trying clean his rear hoof with his teeth

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Dear Dewachen Catherine Ilg,
you are my Rinpoche of all Rinpoche’s…
being your Daddy (this time around) is my Karma,
the dynamics of our precious circum-Stance is our Samskaric dance…

can’t believe you’ll be 7 on 9/11…

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oh, it’s easy and for many, these Kali Yuga days; insanely profitable, to get a fancy PowerPoint Presentation together, quickly cobbled together by copying unTransmitted spiritual Teachings from the Masters, and turn a nifty profit on everything from Chakra Cleansing to Self-Empowerment…

personally and professionally ilg don’t trust no Path that ain’t seeped in Tradition and Sweat with proven Tools to parlay those two Most Noble Spiritual Ingredients toward Self Transformation…

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Wake UP and Bite Back at Mediocrity!!!  More Ancient Teachings from the Sacred Spires…

Dewa and Amma ( Joy Kilpatrick ) grinding corn in an ancient Mataté…awes(om)e lower back opener…any wonder that our ‘modern civilization’ which has removed itself so far from functional fitness for everyday tasks and nature suffers from so many dis-eases of body, mind, and spirit? it’s no wonder to me, in fact, it’s embarrassing how soft and weak our species has become due to an ever growing addiction to comfort…

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so, i ride my trailer bike up to my chi-ldhood h(om)eland of Junction Creek/Colorado Trailhead to fetch my daughter and here is what i found…t

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It was Dewa’s voice that rose from the bunch,
“Did he kill him?!”

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Published on Jun 11, 2014 by in Dewa Dharma, Dharma Teaching, Meditation, Teachings, WF Principles

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Perhaps it’s that pranic sustenance springing forth from spring itself, yet what I do notice is that my natural state of joy (sacred, inherent, ongoing beyond happy feelings) is resonating deeper yet more accessible within the quilt of everyday life. It’s kinda like, i am c(om)ing to terms with the fact that my LifeWork is

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What Is It That Makes You Feel Strong?

What Is It That Makes You Feel Strong?
Sit with it for a while…

In the Tradition of Wholistic Fitness®?

Easy Answer: Working on our weaknesses make us stronger…

ilg is going to tell you s(om)ething…

i think you’re strong because you have weaknesses…as do we all…and knowing that, viscerally, is the jumping off place into Wholistic Fitness®…

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