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yet both – Holding a Grudge and Gossiping – are on the podium of the “Do Not Do List” of the yogic/spiritual athlete hit list. Why? More on that in a m(om)ment…for now, let’s explore a bit deeper the attraction of holding a grudge…

ilg begins each Wednesday night HP Yoga® Class with the most ancient Prayer known; it is the Prayer of the Five Dhyana Buddha’s and there is a line in there which is a real stinker for us feeble Seekers along the Higher Way…it goes;

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If you have faith, sooner or later it may well be put to the test, and wherever the challenge may come from—from within you or from outside—it is simply part of the process of faith and doubt.

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to how many Durangatangs is this scene riveted into our Samskaric make up? Grandfather Sun winking over Pandemonium…pic by ilg this afternoon.

ilg has skied 14 of the last 16 days…and that type of diligence, when directed, pays off. for ilg, today? it paid off in a most resplendent, surreal, and Significant Wholistic Shift Higher!!! read on…

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pull ups

This Friday evening
I’ll be holding a special conference call for current Online Students and Members. This month’s topic is the First Noble Fitness Discipline of WF: Strength Training!

Join us and learn WHY Strength Training is the First Discipline. My talk will be followed by some Q&A with you.

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Ilg on Elden Mountain

We had our first Members only conference call last night! We spent the first 45 minutes exploring the notion of “passionate balance” along the spiritual path. Then I answered a few questions about three of life’s most delicious mysteries: hope, faith, and getting enough sleep!

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De Fleur

An excerpt from my PASSIONATE BALANCE notes for tonight’s Members Only Teleconference …

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“Passionate Balance” and Q&A – Call with Coach this Friday

This Friday evening I’ll be holding a special conference call for current Online Students and Members to celebrate the new web site, and a new beginning! Join me on the phone for “Passionate Balance,” a short talk about Wholistic Fitness, followed by some Q&A with you.

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Garden Buddha

So … feeble, know-nothing ilg TAF’s that if i could have Shakyamuni (the original Buddha) over for dinner tomorrow night, i TAF that He would sheepishly squirm at this whole “Buddhism Thing” in general. if ilg knows ANYTHING about my Direct Experience of countless Buddha Meditation hours over 3+ decades? He’d be like, “I never intended an entire religion to be based upon and using my name …”

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