This M(om)ent…Labor(less) Day, Conscious Parenting, WF Challenge Test, & Cub Scout Stir Fry

The exhaustion and sacrifice – personally and financially – inherent to Consciously Parenting a chi-ld is astoundingly lopsided on the fatigue and i’m-going-to-start-throwing-furniture-through-the-window exasperation yet even more astoundingly, confound-ably, and Divinely balanced by mere m(om)ents when even the sun and stars fade into a whirling stillness of inner brightening as your chi-ld becomes that Great Mirror of All Teachers, All Gurus, All Lama’s, All Rinpoche’s, all Traditions, all-trees, mists, mountains, flowers, fish, stones, and streams. Within their stream-entry of egoic-free laughters, the cosmos chuckle and such beauty as God is known in thy very cells causing my heart to re-ignite my own stumbling toward Enlightenment…

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Imogene Taper;  final mountain run to Clear Lake

High Heart Rate with a view…

looking NE over Ophir Pass…the 4wd road pictured. the snow still tinges the southwest edge of the unnamed lake, about 1,200′ below my Pranayama perch. as i was immersed in my pranayama, an Osprey buzzed me at warp speed, nearly sending me off my perch! this is a very Go(o)d place to ilg…

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7 Questions to WF Pilgrim: EYT

My precious shishya EYT shown here awash in San Juan wildflowers during our run/hike ascent of Engineer Peak last week. EYT (Elizabeth) is from England, and is taking Pilgrimage to Turtle Island from Germany. Within m(om)ents, EYT has charmed the Kundala off all us local WF/HP warriors with her inner radiance, fetching accent, and absolute fierceness of chi! Below, i asked EYT 7 Questions about her Pilgrimage here to the h(om)eland of WF in honor of the 7 Realms…enjoy and LEARN from the sage wisdom of this AMAZING student of our Beloved Path!

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gaden shartse monks

Gaden Shartse monks working on a Chenrezig Mandala at Open Shutter Gallery, downtown Durango today…Tomorrow evening, the Mandala will then be offered into the sacred waters of the Animas River…the Teaching is of Impermanence…

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today’s yogis speak and teach of Mula Bandha,

they speak and teach of “universal alignment”…

they speak and teach so often of lofty, esoteric, ancient principles and techniques of the Ancient Enlightened Ones..yet,

year after year…it seems to feeble ilg…that few yogis do what it takes to simulate a…

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kaila hart

Come join us for an evening of High Performance Yoga® with Coach Steve Ilg.
All proceeds donated to Team Rider, Kaila Hart, to support her travel to Switzerland for Mountain Bike World Championships…

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Not Just Another Pole-ish Joke;  Pole Running Season Begins!

Jai Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma! Hey Ma Durga!

As Donna DeLory sings, “I want to feel what You Feel/i want to see what is real Beyond this Illusion!” …and, one of the most effective ways i’ve found to discover just That, is crushin’ a hard uphill run with ski poles…like my morning workout today…come join me, i’ll show you exactly WHY you need to reap the MYRIAD benefits of this type of cardio/strength workout!

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How much about Wholistic Parenting not only mirrors, yet amplifies our own spiritual journey?…It’s like swinging with your Lil Rinpoche…Alert your alertness, yet… at the same time be relaxed. So relaxed that not even a notion of relaxation remains. Pic: Relaxed Alertness is like holding onto the swing without realizing you are holding onto the swing; you’re just dropping into the swinging!

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