San Juan VIP ‘late’ Summer Room…+ Hidden Training Discount!

hey there, Noble Sangha!

after yesterday’s fantastic 4th place AG at the bru-tee-full Kennebec 14-mile, 12,000’+ Challenge which was the pranic climax of my spiritually orgasmic 3-Day Wholistic Fitness™ build cycle (see this week’s Teachings), it was time to make it less about me today and ALL ABOUT my girls…so…i did whatever any WF Master Student would do…

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A 3-Day Practice Build…

typically scintillating San Juans in summer…rocketing down the from the top of the climb, the intoxicating rush and dazzle of wildflowers and berries make for a disorienting – yet sacred – descent; like falling through a perfumed kaleidoscope!

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Temple C(om)ings and Goings…

It’s all about Dewachen and these sattvic summer days these daze…

like a kirtan chant made visible, these hot (by Durango standards; about 88 degrees) sexy summer days are made just that much more blissful by the near daily monsoon afternoon showers which swing through, making everything from sunflowers to baby daughters grow like skyscrapers before my eyes…

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yoga profile

Hey Coach,
I’m a long time fan…I know your yoga classes are legendary for being tough so I want to “ease” into it if you know what I mean…which are harder, your Monday or Wednesday classes?

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Arrastra Gulch…

Published on Jul 17, 2011 by in Durango Vibe, nature, Teachings

animas 2e

Arrastra Gulch…Little Giant Peak (13,416′) guarding the precious meadow….my Dad did not move us ilg kids
‘out West’ for nothing! it was his greatest achievement; moving us out West…
photo taken this morning above Silverton, Colorado…about 50 miles north of Durango…

just WAIT till you see what i have lined up for WF.com Members this Week!

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celebrating freedom;  4,600′ of high altitude sweat salutes; Kennebec Pass mountain bike ride

Ride Stats:

date: this morning, July 3rd, 2011 with my chi-ldhood best friend; Greg.

type of purification: mountain biking

effort: 36 miles, 4,600′ of climbing, all on double & singletrack from elevation ranging from 8,000′ to 11,750′ with a technical grading of 4+ bike skills and significant will power

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Dewachen Dharma… Sacred San Juan summer fever strikes…

s(om)etimes a simple look from Dewachen stares into me from a Realm so greatly distant from my ordinary reality that my flesh eyes and brain cannot even conceive of the scale. It seems so vast…beyond my capacity to measure, let alone write about it. all ilg knows is that when i hold Her gaze, my own sordid and sorry mindstate instantly purifies, makes me want to Rise Higher, seemingly stripped of its innumerable faults….

please enjoy some Dewa Dharma as we visit Haviland Lake for an evening…the above pic was taken by Ananda…

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On Any Given Durango Summer Friday…

Mine were eyes, heart, and spirit too feeble to keep track of the astral magnetism of this river/mountain hamlet of priceless high-altitude prana today. For, within these ‘everyday moments’ which i forced myself out of the Awakened M(om)ent to attempt to capture periodically for you, was a mystical Breath inside a breath, as if each moment lived was a fractured cosmic code embedded upon soul wings on the verge of cracking due to abundance of a magnitude unspeakable…

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