CHOP WOOD, CARRY MAP…Aminos Could Bring World Peace

“The Path works when you work the Path.” Pictured above; WF Devotee Bryan Bishop of Colorado in yogi squat within his preferred Temple; a top high peaks. Coach- i upped the MAP Amino Acids and have been following your recommended amounts for almost 2 weeks now and i can already feel the difference from before. […]

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Hello Steve, I am here on Amazon.com looking at your TBT book that has been praised by many. I have purchased so many books on fitness and thus far none of them have worked. I also have a personal trainer and I have been training now 3x a week for 3 years and I haven’t […]

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WF…"in times of of quiet desperation, always finding strength…"

Namaste Coach! I read your books and come to you in times of quiet desperation, always finding strength in your light. To move toward wholistic fitness is a longheld goal which so far has eluded me. Elizabeth Ynez-TulsenPaderborn, Germany COACH RESPONDS: Precious Sister of the Sacred Sweat and Stillness,as we say in WF, “Just Begin […]

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tonight. WF Tribal H(om)e Zendo. looking down from within Swastikasana…one of my go-to Meditation Postures. an undertraffic’d asana, it seems. photo from phone, ilg. the difference between a yogi and an athleteis obvious to anyone wise enough to be both. scintillating as well, is the fact that the obvious differencesare also their most intriguing and […]

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Sweet Sayanora to a Spectacular Snow Season…tears from a skier (still) inspired…

parking lot; Durango Mountain Resort…all-ways known to me as ‘Purg’ or Purgatory…my chi-ldhood temple of skiing. taken today after bringing to a close my 53 days of skiing this year which included an unprecedented 7 podiums in 7 starts. ilg rather doubts i’ll ever be able to duplicate my 2010 winter season. as a New […]

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Sutra #4, Chapter 2…Innocence vs. Ignorance – Part 2

“Like a virgin/it feels so good inside…” – lyrics from Madonna with all possible apologies to the strikingly rad Lady Gaga, however, you ain’t even close to Madonna status. the Tangkha leading into my (our) Tribal Zendo where ilg comes up with all this stuff. this is where i cook and re-cook the WF Blessed […]

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what about Tiger?

Published on Apr 15, 2010 by in Coach's Vents


Funny how many people (not Durangatangs) ask me about Tiger. thing is, it’s none of my business and ilg really doesn’t care that much about sports where there is sooo much money and so little sweat. ilg respects the skill sports, sure. then again, ilg respects a good morning poop, too. ilg is more stoked […]

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Sutra #4, Chapter 2…Innocence vs. Ignorance – Part I

Rinpoche Dewachen and Easter bonnet. photo by ilg on Easter Sunday *** “Oh your baby is sooooo uttterly precious!!! Don’t you just LOVE how INNOCENT they are?!” When your entire lifestyle is lived barely an arm’s reach away from an adorable Rinpoche like Dewachen, you get this comment a lot. i mean, a LOT! and […]

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