The WF SanghaLounge is going OFF again! Dear Vishnu,ilg swears the WF SanghaLounge is the coolest Chill on this Plane(t) THANK YOU all for visiting, contributing, and benefitting from the myriad high and noble and mighty Warriors and Warrioresses who visit our Cave Chambers… if you HAVEN’T been into the WF SanghaLounge recently; wow..i cannot […]
FOR DL Subscribers Only: Pre-Order and save 20%must place your order within the next 24 hours! “From Beneath the Sacred Peak, and pulled from my Body of Work…it is with deep pleasure i share with you this fantastic pre-day routine which only requires 10 minutes!”– coach steve ilg, ryt/uscf/cpt coach ilg remains the only Senior […]
“For me, and even more for my kids, it’s probably a healthy thing for them to see, because they saw their dad that never lost, and the kids in their class (say), ‘your dad never loses,’ so it’s good for them to see dad get third and still be cool with that and still be […]
Coach Ilg, For many years I was a personal trainer for a chain in San Diego and used your books for enrichment in my life as well as those of my clients. I always found that your knowledge was like a fortune cookie and that I could crack your books at any page and find […]
click on pics to enlargen the chi hit… my Practice of Dewa Sadhana includes taking advantage of these luscious high country monsoons to soften the Fear of the crackling Thunder for Dewa…“That’s Father Sky just telling us that He is trying to bring a drink for Mother Earth…it’s okay, Little Tree,” i tell her as […]
Noble Sangha,click to enlarge the above “WF Word Cloud” – though it looks more like a monsoon squall to me! (visit to make your own cool word clouds). I’d like all of you who took your time and loving attention to answer my recent poll that Master Student “MahaManas” Singer and i have […]
RE: mimic everything a toddler does in iDL 7*19*09 Ah, Reverend Ilg ~ They nap – sleep a lot. Do you do that, too? They come well padded and cushioned ..and wear diapers for when they {go sliding on their bike} fall on their butts. Take care, Brother,–erl btw: the Rev thing. Took me a […]