WF Devotee Suet and her husband Ian, shown here at their wedding. Suet made the bookmark for the birth of Dewachen…below, i received this letter from Ian straight from a London hospital where Suet gave birth to their first child…this oughta inspire ALL of us!!! *** Namaste Coaches, I write on behalf of Suet who […]
Dear Coach,HP Yoga has only made me wise, fit, and happy… maybe not pretty especially in my post-practice hair. I am honored by your personal reply, thank you for taking the time. I am in fact a veteran of your glorious Tarzana HP Yoga Cave and am still singing the HP Yoga praises to any […]
click to enlarge do i hear a Temple Gong ringing!?!??! act fast! can’t WAIT to share the Sacred Sweat with you in Malibu!!! click here to WARRIOR UP! ilg’s MALIBU HP YOGA WARRIOR WEEKEND!
“People will gather where Love matters.”– steve ilg, when asked how he builds up yoga class attendance so quickly no matter in which city he teaches. photo of abba ilg and Rinpoche Dewachen by *** Want to learn more about becoming a WF Master Student? You can speak with several WF Master Students each […]
“The Intent of lifelong Ritualis to become abeautiful beggarofthe Divine.”– steve ilg, after an early morning crust-skiing workout into Early Morning Ritual, March 5, 2009 WF Beautiful Beggar Asanatry this to test your current beautiful beggar capacities;• right now (there is rarely a better time than ‘Right Now’) drop down into your yogi squat. breathe […]
“Leave it to my coach ilg to be the first person on the planet to become neurotic over wholeness!”– WF Master Student “Tatavati”Indiana *** “I enjoyed class immensely last Tuesday! Thank you so much. How much fun there is to have in the cave! I just want to tell you, that I feel very privileged […]
{this exchange is with a young local yogini who came to me to ‘cure’ her absolutely butchered-from-various-doctors knees. if i had a dime…anyway, she is taking private bodywork/yoga with me along with my prescribed EMR and MAP Amino Acids. Within three sessions, things are starting to heat up…at the most important Level; the Inner Energetic […]
Coach,thank you for your complimentary Guidance using these herbs…questions include: is there caffeine in the Fortune Delight tea? Coach:• no, none of the SUNRIDER Whole Food Herbs are caffeinated Student: and what is the purpose of the Action Caps? Coach:Action Caps:as i wrote in your 3-Phase PDF, the Action Caps (from a Western perspective) support […]