dear coach, please find attached a photo of yesterday’s romp in the snowy woods up at Grouse Mountain. thanks for shining so bright! in love,ct ‘CT’ is Chris Tucker, from Vancouver…a highly treasured devotee of WF for many a pic of you enjoying the WF Lifestyle? send it in! nothing that your Coach Ilg […]
There is a light that shines beyond all things on earth, beyond the highest, the very highest heavens. This is the light that shines in your heart.– Chandogya Upanishad photos by ilg; “i became absolutely enraptured one early morning last week by these Aspen Tree Beings which shimmered and dazzled their frost-coated limbs and twigs […]
Learning to meditate is the greatest gift you can give yourself in this life. For it is only through meditation that you can undertake the journey to discover your true nature, and so find the stability and confidence you will need to live, and die, well. Meditation is the road to enlightenment.– Sogyal Rinpoche confused […]
Tonight,like most New Years Eve nights,i will celebrate via sweat and stillnessthe outgoing year and welcome the new one.Historically, some of my most intense workouts have occurred on myNew Years Eve Workout Rituals…including ascents of some of the mostdifficult peaks, ice climbs, and ski traverses available on Turtle Island.Often, i would combine doing Repetitions of […]
“Warriorship is a continual journey. To be a warrior is to learn to be genuine in every moment of your life.”– Rinpoche Trungpa in my book, TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION, i define the WF notion of “Warriorism” on the top of page 15. please review it. to make a ‘direct line’ toward the summit of Warriorship, […]
click on both pics to enlarge from today’s interview with Coach Ilg on “The Outdoor Journey” blog *** For the first time in my life,i find myself fighting to find the (inner) Fire to compete inendurance sports. fatigue from New Daddyhood at age 46 is a prime reason. okay. the only reason. to train for […]
“He who upon hearing, touching, seeing, tasting, and smelling pleasant or unpleasant {things} neither delights in nor regrets them, is said to be tranquil (Shanta).”-Lagha-Yoga-Vasishtha 2.1.64 (see Coach’s interpretation below) photo of steve, Joy, and 15 month-old Dewachen taken yesterday by world class photographer James “Q” Martin photographing steve for a Patagonia catalog. please visit […]
FROM THE “CAN-DO CLAN” of steve, joy, and dewachento my beautiful and precious DL’rs, from beneath the Sacred Peak of Doko Oosliid,we thank you for reading,i thank you for Practicing,andMay All Workouts Be Sacred in the coming year (i’ll do my darned best to keep them that way!!) if you’ve feel gratitude for the presence […]