For some reason, the universe spoke as I shot this photo. I thought of you, what you have blessed me with—and now my family. I’ve posted this on my homepage with a credit to mi Ilgbro. Keep us posted on family updates.Namaste’RJ Ron Jones, MS-LLCCorporate WellcoachAtlanta-Los Angeles (RJ; lovingly known as “Ragin RJ” among […]
In Tibetan spiritual literature, there is a saying; “Embrace your ten thousand horrible demons and your ten thousand beautiful demons.” In other words; embrace and use it all. On Saturday, i had a whole laundry list of perfectly fine excuses not to wake up in the freezing cold and run a 10k Mountain Race. Certainly, […]
Most Cherished Sangha, my heart opens as i sit beside these falling aspen leaves. facilitating and corresponding with so many beautiful Warriors worldwidewho sense the necessity of a balanced personal fitness Practice like WFis truly, truly a Great Blessing. here is what does not matter:regardless of how elegantly,prolifically,ferociously,intelligently,and sweatfully i attempt to Teach and Transmit […]
THANK YOU OH NOBLE SANGHA! your collective intensity of concentration upon the Mantra was surely in part responsible for a sudden upshift of vibrational health for Dewa! after many tests, it appears as though a rare ‘sliding hiatal hernia’ may have accounted for Dewa’s stoppage of breath two nights ago. the Head Doctor – a […]
First, this is not a Temple Gong; no Red Alert. Yet. Second;invoke WF Lifestyle Principle #1;Breath and Posture Adjust your spine into her most elegant fashion that you have steadily enhanced during your Time with me. Elegance of posture is more than physical; it metaphysically grounds our minds that are usually too quick, too undisciplined […]
“There is a good reason why there is a whole lot of ‘om’ in the word, ‘mom’!” – coach ilg. approaching now her first month of being a m(om) to an infant, my Beloved Ananda is shown above on the last day of shooting her Pre-Natal Yoga Video. Once you become a Conscious Parent, you […]
“When fame really hit me was when Legends of the Fall was released three years after Thelma & Louise. You get no warning about what celebrity is or how to deal with it. It’s sort of multitiered. The initial stage is feeling discombobulated and not up to the task. I didn’t understand the incessant attention […]
two days ago:a window of bullet blue skies opened between storms. i took aim for the Summit of the highest peak in Arizona, determined to run to Her lofty heights while chanting the name of my baby girl to christen her spirit with those of the high mountain Kachinas. this cell phone camera self portrait […]