yes, i know about it, have known about it, and that is why one of my three only supplements includes ASEA Sacred Water which increases antioxidant efficiency of glutathione and superoxide dismutase (SOD) inside living cells by more than 500%…
9:42 am: when ilg runs? the simplest, most fragile of things open my heart, filet it wide open, and my spirit just soars into Father Sky…what IS IT about running feet massaging Mother Earth that shakes our Chakra’s so?! who CARES about health, longevity, fitness? to be able to run along the treasured forested paths is ENOUGH by itself! ilg hasn’t been running through decades because i reckon it might tack on a few more years to my incarnation…ilg runs because running is Pilgrimage, it’s more than the Seat of my Soul, it’s the Karmic SWEAT OF MY SOUL!
Game Face on; ilg at 50…still toeing the Start Line and making the Game chi-full…”i’m totally stoked to finish 2nd place in the 50+ AG here at the DWC Championships…considering that Ivan (Unkovskoy) was the only person to beat me over the course of 4 various cycling events? That’s like finishing second to Ned Overend or John Tomac!…for a yoga teacher who trains at a fraction of the volume of these guys do on a bike in THIS mecca of world-class cyclists? are you kidding me? this New Old Daddy is TOALLY stoked! and i don’t even have fancy bike racing equipment! i see my second place as a huge HOORAH! for all c(om)men men who don’t train on bikes a lot but rather rely on what i teach, Wholistic Fitness™!”
here is how i did it, stage by stage:
pic by ilg this morning before heading off to my 50-mile Road Race Championship where i had the bulls-eye on my jersey…
and…WAY more importantly?
what a 5th Birthday Party Day it proved for ALL of the humble ilg clan today..
my full race report ONLY for Members…
i TAF’d i was going fast tonight…
i pretty much did go fast…for an old yoga guy on a not fancy bike…
covered a hilly 15-mile course with wind in 36 minutes…
that’s nearly 25 mph average…solo…no drafting…just you and the clock; that’s why Time Trials are called, “The Race of Truth”
evidently, however, in this tiny town at the foot of the San Juan rocky heights?
it wasn’t THAT fast…
If i could take more than a m(om)ent to ruminate over the past five years, i could probably c(om)e up with some pretty snappy prose about these past 5 years…yet, Parenthood – especially at age 50 and trying to eek out a living as a yoga teacher? Well, rumination is a trait of my former life…not the current Time Trial within which my Practice now must evolve…instead of de-volve or dee-minish entirely!