
“This spring, before the Iron Horse Bicycle Classic, all I had going for me was not the bike, but Coach’s HIGH PERFORMANCE YOGA™ classes…and man, did it pay off!”

– Champion cyclist Mark Rosenthal, Durango, Colorado

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prop; lateral reed

“El Coache;

Thank you!

It gave me just the butt kickin that I needed. I’m going to try to commit to coming every Wed night. I just wanted to check out the new cave before buying a pass.

I’m sure you’ve been told this before… your class is the toughest class ever. Love the pain!”

– one of Durango’s many cycling champions after last night’s HP PROP WORKOUT

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WF Alchemy Again:  From Studio Yogi to Ultra Trail Marathon Man in 7 Months; Yogi Josh

and here, at mile 26, i felt…. fine. i had a full tank of pranic gas in my legs. my core was lifted, my head high, the integrity of my divine structure uncompromised, even after the grueling hills, the dramatic fall, the miles of effort. for someone who, seven months ago, had never run more than 10 miles in his life, to be in this state after an uphill marathon at altitude was absolutely remarkable…. and i attribute it all to you.

the journey we have taken together has quite simply redefined what is possible for me as a human being. and within the beauty that is the divine alchemy… my whole life is physically and spiritually transformed. i cannot thank you enough.

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pastoral mtn

to remain consistent with Wholistic Fitness™ requires unimaginable tenacity and sankalpa…many students get Lit Up for the initial year or so of the WF Path, only to waver and give into egoic-based samskaras…for the few however, we begin to feel chronic trickles of the unchanging Bliss of our unique Enlightenment Potential dancing within the challenges and joys of our lives; and THAT is a benchmark attained by only the most sincere and heart-orientated Warriors of Wholeness…witness thus the Word from a precious student in Florida below…. photo by ilg; cloud roll over Doko Oosliid juxtaposed with Grandmother Moon.

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most people got it all backwards in their nutritional fitness..STUDENT A:

Someday I would like to look at a long term plan for moving towards a diet similar to Coach Ilg’s largely herb based nutrition.


i am 29 and the new father of a one year-old…and if i can be half as fit as you, Coach, at age 48, then please, for the sake of my chi-ld please help me attain some wholeness…i want to the be most supple, strong, young in body and heart father as i possibly can be!!!


that ‘someday’ can be OMday if you are willing to JUMP!
we’ve got a quiver of three primary nutritional arrows that transforms weaklings into suprahumans and it’s very easy, and in the end, extremely cost effective:

here is the Proven Path so build your quiver tonight and know that ilg will be with you EVERY step of the quiver packing way:

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“The Practice works, if YOU work the Practice!” – coach steve ilg

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inner strength

can’t imagine anything, anywhere in our life here that is as sacred as embarking
on a journey which produces such mind blowing physical attributes as a secondary
by product of the inner journey. as a trainer, i see and assist a great deal of people
who don’t get it and are lost.” – Student Monty Mason, AK

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bob reilly

“Your site is first one I go to in the morning…”

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