I am the fire that burns the karma of one who is beyond all karma,
I am the fire that burns the sorrow of one beyond all sorrow.
I am the fire that burns the body of one who is devoted of the body.
I am the nectar of…
I am the fire that burns the karma of one who is beyond all karma,
I am the fire that burns the sorrow of one beyond all sorrow.
I am the fire that burns the body of one who is devoted of the body.
I am the nectar of…
Those of you that live in Durango and take our weekly HP Yoga™ classes, you already know that we begin our practice with a recitation of this most ancient of prayers which all Buddha’s of the past have reportedly prayed. By doing so, we connect ourselves with that astonishingly relevant Tribe of Awakened Spiritual Athletes which goes back in time for eons.
Warriorship is about being brave enough (read; fearless) to be gut honest with ourselves every step of the Way. When our own mOM is encountering a possible Bardo Entry, it’s a pretty interesting Mirror in which to watch our mind, our ego, and our emotional waves. The egoic default system in place seems unflappably fastened to our Being; “Oh, poor me…having to clean up this diarrhea again when i could be out riding my bike or skiing or doing asana…” How many seconds, minutes, hours, days, lifetimes does it take before our Higher Self rises above the ego and emotions to herald, “This IS your yoga! This IS your Practice…so PRACTICE!”
“Tree Drops” as captured by Coach Ilg. Many of you have cOMmented with much Metta on my photography over the years…if you are indeed touched by some of my pics? Ilg can’t take credit for anything except, “Just Listening” to my world around me…Vishnu takes care of the rest. *** It must have been last […]
“There is no higher God than Intervals.” – Coach Steve Ilg1989 Journal of Wholistic Fitness® west wall, bookcase, of my Durango H(om)e office. click to enlarge Original print by HP Yogini Susan Deterling – Granite Camp, Grand Canyon. the three books which are always ready for me to grab while enroute to either the toilet […]
OF ALL BANDHAS GREAT AND SMALL (aka; Where Babies Come From)by coach ilg, ryt/uscf/cpt (Note; for Student Use, i will keep a copy of this essay in the WF SanghaLounge within the “Yoga” cave.) “As a kid, i used to practice Mula Bandha on long chairlift rides nearly every winter day. Though i did not […]
WF SUTRA STUDIESwith Coach Ilgfor DL Subscribers Only “When all the nadis are now full of impurities become purified, then only can the yogi successfully perform pranayama.” * “So, one should practice pranayama with a mind in which the sattivic element prevails until the Sushumna nadi is freed from the impurities.” Verses 5 & 6, […]