summer ilg 13

Go(o)d Karma Quote of the day goes to Student J, who, after my HP Yoga® Slow Flow tonight wrote me, “Thanks coach; that was so much fun that I cried!”

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“We should all start to live before we get too old.

Fear is stupid. So are regrets.”

– Yogini Marilyn Monroe in a creative variation of urdhva ardha marichyasana. free rights photo.

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Since improving my diet and other wholistic activities, and consuming Assimilaid for the past few weeks, my acid reflux has improved dramatically. I might have said cured, except recently, after a week in Gallup, NM eating crappy food, it came back a bit. Now it is again on the wane.

What other measures, yoga routines, etc. might you recommend?

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Now through the summer: HP Yoga® at DRL; Monday Slow Flow@5:30-6:30pm and Wednesday PROP Workout! 5:30-7:00pm!

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Below is my Summer Schedule of High Performance Yoga®…don’t’ be intimated…you’ll see a large percentage of the local peleton in my classes each week.

These days, cyclists finally realize how vital suppleness, sustained mental focus, ventilatory threshold, breath consciousness, and functional, balanced neuromuscular fitness is for their

cycling performance as well as long-term wellness and immunity.

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unlike the famed song lyrics, “it’s never as good/as the first time…” feeble ilg has found that many of my most sacred, sensual, and awesOMe moments are better than the first time…like for instance, this precious “Full Pink Moon…” This name came from…

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Mother Earth Day!   What If Everybody Did It?

…besides, how often do you get to see a bona fide Princess picking up

other people’s trash?


“Yes, my love?”

“How come some people throw trash on our Mother Earth?”

“Well, baby girl?…they just didn’t have Go(o)d Teachers…that’s all…”

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it’s a WRAP, baby!!! JUST WAIT till y’all get a load of my NEW HP Yoga® PROP WORKOUT!!! Day Two of filming with the master; Scot Davis and a SURREAL Sacred Sweat of 90 Deity-sent minutes to produce a world-class yoga/core fitness video that will once again, reset the Standard of what a fully functional mind/body/spirit workout entails!

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