spoken like a genuine HP Yogi of the Year (which she is)…honesty, the best policy among Warriors Toward Wholeness…
tonight, in the Warrior Cave, i premiered my YoZenGa™. the first time i’ve taught this unique class since leaving my Los Angeles Mission…
the pic of me that was made into a poster, without my knowing, let alone, residuals! ilg pinnacle jumping in the North Cascades a long time ago by David Terrance Turner
Yup, I’ve just JUMPED again!
based on my sangha’s input from a survey i recently sent (thank you all who contributed!):
Take a conventionally-trained runner, for instance. As a typical coach, I would monitor his or her ‘hard days’ with either ‘easy’ or ‘off’ days. Trouble with this predictable, boring approach is two-fold; 1) the runner feels guilty when not training hard or worse, if there is a prescribed ‘off day’ which is enough to send the usually compulsive if not obsessive into conniptions and 2) as my friend and fellow Durangatang, Ned Overend (maybe you’ve heard of him!) taught me many years ago,
ilg admits; it’s been the steepest headwall i’ve ever attempted to climb
yet, thanks to my Practice begotten from my Teachers…your Teachers..our Teachers…of this
amazing Precious Path of WF?
my Essential Nature of Mind is only intensifying through the difficulty…not diminishing…
how doth the saying go?
“The interruptions ARE the Practice!”
Most Precious Sangha, what’s more important than learning the dimensional breath? be at YogaDurango (Florida Road studio) tomorrow at 11 am to 1 pm for a fantastic workshop with Joy and myself head bowed, coach steve ilg, cpt/uscf/ryt 500 founder: www.WholisticFitness.com www.highperformanceyoga.com
Durango, Colorado –
Legendary and seemingly ageless outdoor athlete/mountain yogi steve ilg increased his stock as the “world’s fittest human” by winning back to back races in rando (ski mountaineering) and nordic ski racing this weekend…
We don’t if Krishna initiated the Warrior Arjuna with a Mantra before the Big K counseled Arjuna to “Look to your duty; do not tremble before it; nothing is better for a warrior than a battle of sacred duty…”… what we DO know is that your feeble coach has steadfastly counseled all of you in the use of Mantra for Cardio and of course, in HP PROP Workouts. Today, Yogi B writes to me about just how the Mantra protected him from his ego during his recent run;