santosha within cellular nutrition!

yes, this is Dewa. eyes transfixed by the TV. while eating dinner. with a remote within hands’ reach.
go ahead pass judgment if you feel the need.
then, let ilg explain the context within the Wholistic Conscious Parenting Paradigm…
you’ll be surprised at the spiritual essence taking place in this shot and i dare you to rise to her
4-year old discipline…

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Don’t Be In Too Much Of A Hurry…

So, up those seemingly endless, sky-high, snow-surrounded mountain passes, i cultivated the Witness Within. i practiced watching my effort -detached – without form watching the formfull. Basically? ilg just ‘watched ilg pedal up the mountain.’ This ‘witnessing’ technique is an ancient spiritual warrior tool for transforming suffering into mere effort. Suffering has emotional baggage, however pure Effort is Suffering without the emotional baggage.

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This M(om)ent;  Velvet Morning…

… and now my love of focused fun
among snow covered woods,
pine-lathered mountains, and
high, rocky peaks where only Pika play and occasional Hawks reach their wings into majesty…
reMind me of my True Human Beingness
shouting unheard into my HeartCave;
“Don’t Wait Any Longer…”

so, within the garden of Self,
ilg dives into an inner ocean

each morning…no matter how busy…

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Dewachen recently, all snuggled up with her kitten, Trevor, looking on. No parent enjoys having a sick chi-ld. However, using my simple technique below will categorically change the situation toward a Higher and more Helpful space…

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The Wisdom of Active Recovery:  Engaged, Focused Fun!

Take a conventionally-trained runner, for instance. As a typical coach, I would monitor his or her ‘hard days’ with either ‘easy’ or ‘off’ days. Trouble with this predictable, boring approach is two-fold; 1) the runner feels guilty when not training hard or worse, if there is a prescribed ‘off day’ which is enough to send the usually compulsive if not obsessive into conniptions and 2) as my friend and fellow Durangatang, Ned Overend (maybe you’ve heard of him!) taught me many years ago,

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how to stay at 6% bodyfat and elite fitness for over 30 years?  easy…The Secret Whole Food Herbs of WF!

Hi Coach, I am planning on using your 3 phase approach. I plan on making a purchase Feb. 1st what do I need to purchase? Thank you, Jeff

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Less than a month ago…the Plastic Surgeon said it would require several weeks of dubious recovery to see if Dewa’s lip and mouth would structurally heal correctly after her sledding incident……within one week of WF Nutrition? Dewa’s lip and mouth self healed at Godspeed (aka; The Speed of Enlightenment). we crushed up the MAP Amino Acids for her, she suckled at SUNRIDER’s Sunbars, and we doused her lip/mouth and skull with the Sacred Water of Asea…

…and today…even with significant psycho/spiritual trauma?

Dewa and i skied from Top To Bottom, Chapman Ski Hill without falling…

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pic: this amazing shot was taken by Most Noble HP Yogini Sandra Lee during one of Durango’s earlier (and vital) snowstorms…Sandra earns a free HP yoga class by this fantastic pic! THANK YOU, YOGINI SANDRA!

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