this Teaching Blog inspired and dedicated to my 2011 HP Yogini of the Year; Sandra “DawaGahti” Lee…
“In the ancient meditation instructions, it is said that at the beginning, thoughts will arrive one on top of another, uninterrupted, like a steep mountain waterfall. Gradually, as you perfect meditation, thoughts become like…”
“As a native of beautiful southwest Colorado, I find it incredulous that Red McCombs continues to bulldoze his endless bank account through his pet travesty project; to build an overwhelmingly ridiculous “Village” upon such high, fragile, rarified terrain…”
“fantastic wholistic Mt. Taylor pre-season training today! early am personal practice into inline skate to teach yoga, into an hour of indoor climbing with my Beloved Joy Kilpatrick, into an hour of inline skating at 14 mph/average along the bike path, passing bicyclists! tired and sacredly stoked…”
…when Joy was teaching yoga to Dewa’s kindergarten class, she asked, “Why is Hearing so important?”
to which one very Bodhisattivic boy replied without hesistation: