WF Master Student Padma: Tsidool 2012 Bardo Training Race Report!

How a WF Master Student ‘actively recovers’ from chopping 36+ minutes off her time in a 75-kilometer winter quadrathlon; Padma crankin’ some sweet 3+ Waterfall Ice in Utah the other day…

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steve seckinger

“It’s never too late to start on a better path….”

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dad young

This world can seem marvelously convincing until death collapses the illusion and evicts us from our hiding place. And what will happen to us then if we have no clue of any deeper reality?

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the pic of me that was made into a poster, without my knowing, let alone, residuals! ilg pinnacle jumping in the North Cascades a long time ago by David Terrance Turner
Yup, I’ve just JUMPED again!

based on my sangha’s input from a survey i recently sent (thank you all who contributed!):

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“real recognize real…”

Published on Feb 21, 2012 by in Student Input, Teachings


Hi Steve,

Just had a look at your site. Great work man!
As we say out here in the streets, real recognize real…and I can surely see you too are a warrior of light and love.
I’m totally loving all the nature and meditation you’ve incorporated and integrated. Congratulations on your progress and thank you dearly on behalf of humanity for your contribution.

I’m happy to have connected.


Niko Spartan Leo

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bRad’s Tsidool Race Report!

HP Yogi Brad “bRad” Tafoya on his first Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon solo attempt; summit-baggin’ Heartbreak Hill and approaching Transition #3; the Snowshoe to the top

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Day One of Two: 2nd to an Olympian?  ilg will take dat!

i dunno… at this Blessed Point in my current incarnation? finishing Silver Medalist to Travis Brown, Olympic Mountain Biking and Nordic Champion is just a little waaaaay too much for feeble broken back, former paralytic ilg to even connect the Dots…let alone the fact that my new Daddy Duties and lingering 80% head congestion has completely destroyed any type of optimal prep for the brutally delicious 10k nordic slugfest today at the 9,000′ Durango Nordic venue…chalk it up to…

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After 8 years, 8 podiums…ilg leaves the Mt. Taylor Pilgrimage to Padma and bRad…

must say…pensiveness runs rampant like the Tsangpo through my cells tonight…after 8 consecutive years and at least as many as double that over my lifetime, ilg is leaving my Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon Pilgrimage to the capable spirits of Julie “Padma” Mueller (2nd consecutive Mt. Taylor) and Tsidool rookie yet willing Warrior; Brad “bRad” Tafoya…

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