Mike Powell, author of: A GAME TO LOVE
Mike “MP” has been a devoted fan and student of WF, especially when i lived in LA. MP shot the pics in The Winter Athlete and many other ‘ilg’ pics…below, i interview him for his absolutely stunning new book…
Mike Powell, author of: A GAME TO LOVE
Mike “MP” has been a devoted fan and student of WF, especially when i lived in LA. MP shot the pics in The Winter Athlete and many other ‘ilg’ pics…below, i interview him for his absolutely stunning new book…
Reflect on this: The realization of impermanence is paradoxically the only thing we can hold on to, perhaps our only lasting possession. It is like the sky, or the earth. No matter how much everything around us may change or collapse, they endure.
Coach Ilg as captured in Yoga Journal, performing Vrkasana or Tree Pose. photo by WF Student Mike Powell.
Dear Coach,
Vrksasana or tree pose is challenging. Whenever I lift a leg I start to lose balance. I get the “leaning tower of Pisa” look in order to maintain some stability even with my leg down near the opposite ankle. Is this a function of core strength? I am being patient and taking what I can each time.
hero shot holding my beautiful framed original picture and killer schwag from winning the Overall MTB title at this morning’s Run, Rock & Roll near Monte Vista…
Mine were eyes, heart, and spirit too feeble to keep track of the astral magnetism of this river/mountain hamlet of priceless high-altitude prana today. For, within these ‘everyday moments’ which i forced myself out of the Awakened M(om)ent to attempt to capture periodically for you, was a mystical Breath inside a breath, as if each moment lived was a fractured cosmic code embedded upon soul wings on the verge of cracking due to abundance of a magnitude unspeakable…
I remember how people would often come to see my master Jamyang Khyentse simply to ask for his guidance for the moment of death. He was so loved and revered throughout…
Our Daily Sweat is instead a necessity toward transforming our lives into a graceful symmetry of self. What I am saying is that lifestyle fitness is like a daily base camp for developing more meaningful life journeys.
My Daily Sweat is no longer chained to the actual droplets (or cascade) of perspiration during racing or training in my beloved High Peaks…
I’m gonna let you in on something about me that most do not know about “America’s Outdoor Athlete.” Shhhh…
regardless of how STEEP, of how DIRECT is this Path of Transformation? we MUST continue placing one foot in front of the other…ever upward, ever inward, ever Go(o)dward…if feeble ilg is still doing it…i KNOW you can…let’s Begin Again tomorrow…and if we fall? Begin Again, and Again…and Endlessly Again until Enlightenment…