
pic by ilg near my old h(om)e reservation of Pojoaque, New Mexico

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Campfires are Upa Guru’s of Tapas….ilg has Taught – err, attempted to Teach – you all about Tapas through my words, sweat, and actions for the past 3+ decades. Tapas = Spiritual Sweat which results in Karmic Purification. See the log above? See the smoke? THAT is Tapas. in that wafting, seductive, mesmerizing dance of smoke lies perhaps that most vital Teaching of all warrior athletes, certainly of all yogis. Do you know what that Teaching is?

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Sleeping With The Enemy…finding my inner “Fun Valley”

Despite the fact that the entire place is run like some sort of aging Texan mafia, and that nearly every staff member is a walking heart attack just waiting to happen, they are also all deeply adoring of kids, family, and really, really good southern-style food. And, of course, all things Texan.

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In a sense everything is dreamlike and illusory, but even so, humorously you go on doing things. For example, if you are walking, without unnecessary solemnity or self-consciousness, lightheartedly walk toward the open space of truth. When you sit, be the stronghold of truth. As you eat, feed your negativities and illusions into the belly of emptiness, dissolving them into all-pervading space. And when you go to the toilet, consider all your obscurations and blockages are being cleansed and washed away.

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“…Sacred Joy is in every moment, it travels from the inside to the outside…
which is why WF trains us from inside toward the outside…”

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Like so many things, my precious Rinpoche of a daughter, Dewachen, has taught me to embrace,
accept, and benefit from…well, Weed Beings….

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Buddha had been watching all along, and said: “Maudgalyayana, do you want to put out that lamp? You cannot. You could not even move it, let alone put it out. If you were to pour the water from all the oceans over this lamp, it still wouldn’t go out. The water in all the rivers and lakes of the world could not extinguish it. Why not? Because this lamp was offered with devotion, and with

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Of Skiing Spirals and Circles…and Signature Lines…

This is why feeble ilg calls Wholistic Fitness™ the true practice of peace, the true practice of nonaggression and nonviolence, and the real and greatest disarmament toward that which hinders us from Enlightenment in the Bardo; our egoic attachment. Tis better to cultivate an Endless Beginner’s status and keep working our weaknesses instead of becoming famous and applauded in our specific and Divinely-granted strengths…Contemplate these words until we meet again, Noble Warriors toward Wholeness….be free and roar toward Enlightenment…

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