
apic of Dewa’s left hand bec(om)ing a conduit of  It All as she tangibly Connects with another precious Butterfly Being.  this pic was captured by Sandra Lee last week, during a run/hike in the upper Piedra River Canyon near where once, many moons ago when i lived in Pagosa Springs,  i used to watch River Otters […]

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…mind unruffled
shaking distractions away
like the wind-god
scatters a few
forest leaves.

– Kottitha
(written a few thousand years ago)

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pic;  your feeble teacher of no-thing in some inverted Garudasana inversion during personal Practice.   So, i’m teaching my High Performance Yoga® Slow Flow class this morning, right? There’s one of two guys in class. He’s kinda doing his own thing, not letting me adjust his postures. During the strength sequences he starts mouth breathing […]

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spontaneously blissful, just as water…

  Among my many notes from Naropa University from waaaay back when, i find this hand-scribbled, barely discernible lecture from one of my Tibetan Lama Teachers: “If the mind is not contrived, it is spontaneously blissful, just as water, when not agitated, is by nature transparent and clear.” My Teachers of Meditation would compare the mind […]

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Don’t be in too much of a hurry to solve all your doubts and problems. As the masters say: “Make haste slowly.” I always tell my students not to have unreasonable expectations, because it takes time for spiritual growth. It takes years to learn Japanese properly or to become a doctor. Can we really expect […]

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  This M(om)ent…with all Karmic implications and Samskaric reverberations known, accepted, and endlessly talked about…feeble yogi ilg still Thinks And Feels that fishing remains an Awes(om)e Dharmic/Conscious Parenting vehicle…if Mahayogi Jesus was a Fisherman? That’s go(o)d enough for ilg…and yeah, that is a beautiful 12″ German Brown on Dewa’s stringer along with 2 equally resplendent […]

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  This M(om)ent… Daddy and Dewa (8) as I continue introducing my daughter to my sacred vortices of my beloved Southwest…man, we had a blast…Blessed be your day, Precious is this life. My neighbor told me a coupla weeks ago after i swerved my bike like drunkard from fatigue after a local cycling Time Trial, “Oh my God! […]

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Most Noble Sangha, Having considerable experience both personally and professionally in multi-day hiking and trail work/trailbuilding,   i wish to offer without charge this Proven Pathway which has kept many a hiker/trailworker healthy and capable of enduring the associated challenges which must be met, calmed, and conquered by the multi-day hiker/trail worker/builder…. feeble ilg only […]

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