HP Yogini Dewachen Ilg (12) not only won Her 12-under OVERALL 5K at Her daddy’s Virtual Wholistic Fitness® Race Weekend, yet? after finishing another St. Columba (online) schoolday, She went on to create Her own Litter Patrol through Her neighborhood into Earth Day Yoga to honor Earth Day! All WF Students need to be Subscribed […]
4/18/20: Schneider Park through Overend Mountain Park, Durango, CO – M(om)ma Amber (41) and Austin (12) Blake drillin’ it instead of chillin’ it this morning on Durango’s first ever Virtual 5k Trail Race! Are YOU gonna toe feeble ilg’s next Virtual Race!?!? A historic first of two days of Virtual Trail and Peak Racing is […]
Most Noble Racers! At Dewa’s insistence, we have marked THE ENTIRE 5K Course for Tomorrow! check it: Racer List as of 6:30p Friday Nothing the but the BEST for YOUR Course Markings; dat’s right… BLUEBIRD Flour fr(om) the Navajo Nation!!! each time you run near this Flour a Medicine Blessing is washed upon […]
pic of Daddy and Dewa last summer at Gudy’s Rest on the Colorado Trail. Background is the Junction Creek drainage, feeble ilg’s childhood backyard. This weekend’s race will take place in my current backyard; Overend Mountain Park (aka; Test Tracks) THANK YOU SPONSORS! BODYHEALTH Supplements, SUNRIDER Herbs, TAILWIND Endurance Nutrition, TRAILS 2000, ZUBBERFIZZ Natural Soda’s, […]