ilg @ Phil’s World

If you’d got a couple of minutes, please enjoy this guided tour of “Phil’s World”…a world-class mountain biking area about a half hour west of Durango, near Cortez, Colorado. This Singletrack Dreamland was created exclusively by and for mountain bikers. A needed break from Durango’s typical 3k’ of climbing, Phil’s terrain features no major climbs, […]

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tree drops

“Tree Drops” as captured by Coach Ilg.  Many of you have cOMmented with much Metta on my photography over the years…if you are indeed touched by some of my pics?   Ilg can’t take credit for anything except, “Just Listening” to my world around me…Vishnu takes care of the rest. *** It must have been last […]

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Ilg on Elden Mountain

We had our first Members only conference call last night! We spent the first 45 minutes exploring the notion of “passionate balance” along the spiritual path. Then I answered a few questions about three of life’s most delicious mysteries: hope, faith, and getting enough sleep!

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De Fleur

An excerpt from my PASSIONATE BALANCE notes for tonight’s Members Only Teleconference …

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Coach in Vasisthasana

Let’s forget about all the cycling equipment and expensive tweaks you’ve purchased over the past, say 3 years. Let’s trade ALL of it for something that is endlessly more vital to your enjoyment, performance, and spiritual transformation through cycling: a flat spine while riding. Oh, like you have something MORE important to work on over the winter than getting a flatter back, more open, powerful hips, and a stronger core?

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“Passionate Balance” and Q&A – Call with Coach this Friday

This Friday evening I’ll be holding a special conference call for current Online Students and Members to celebrate the new web site, and a new beginning! Join me on the phone for “Passionate Balance,” a short talk about Wholistic Fitness, followed by some Q&A with you.

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Furnace Creek 508

I was informed the night before the Road Race by the Race Organizer that my division “C” would not be eligible for an Overall Championship/Jersey. i’d be moved into the “B” division for the rest of the Championships (RR and Crit). must admit; it was a buzzkill fer sure since i was in first place with my two favorite events ahead of me. yet, podiums i’m not lacking in so it wasn’t that big of a deal.

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Eyes of Buddha

Once there was a Dzogchen yogi who lived unostentatiously, surrounded, however, by a large following of disciples. A certain monk, who had an exaggerated opinion of his own learning and scholarship, was jealous of the yogi, whom he knew not to be very well read at all. He thought: “How does he, just an ordinary […]

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