your feeble coach, the Magnificent Ananda, and our Rinpoche Dewachen…taken on the front deck of the WF Temple H(om)e two days ago. WF is beginning yet another new era in Her three decades of Dharma Service through peerless transpersonal fitness training…and the great thing about it is that I am letting YOU steer the humble […]
excerpt from Actual Training Exchange with WF Online Student C: photo from TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION; Green Tara HP Yoga Program/Bakasana (Crane Posture). this and other photos by Wayne Williams. *** Student:in the Yoga Discipline:Comment: i LOVE HP Yoga Sun Salutations Series C!Regarding your instructions: “Work on Crane Pose – (or variation and/or into a HEADSTAND […]
got a quote about your journey (formal or not) of WF? lemme have it and share the Love of our MultiDisciplined Tribe of American-Made Yoga since 1982! keep attacking your weak physical links and your negative mental/emotional/spiritual habits; for that is the way to Wholeness and Truth – coach ilg NOTE TO ONLINE STUDENTS: (biologic) […]
Bantu and his son Rowan, training on the Sacred Peak. photo by Most Treasured Sangha,Some of you have wondered about Bantu and his ascent up Denali. Last Saturday, Ananda and i met Bantu with our children, Dewa (ours), Rowan (his). We placed our children into our bicycle trailers and wheeled through a magnificent early […]
My entry last night on Facebook was:“On behalf of nearly everyone in COLORADO (i can only assume),thank you PENNS!” My Facebook page after securing the user name, the stampede of legions trying to get choice names.
check it out at:Timari’s Blog
often, steering the helm of America’s Original Transpersonal Fitness Service is sad and hurtful, even though constantly deeply sacred. Sometimes, steering of the humble Helm is best done by turning my training upside down so i can see from the inside out what it’s like not to have a lifelong Path of Soul firing your […]
this DL is dedicated to the Atmanof the Beings for which i’ve prayedfor Bardo Guidance through the Lineage Mastersof Navanada-yoga (aka; Wholistic Fitness)during the past seven months of increasedministerial requests from the students,fans, and global sangha of our Tribe.May your Practice be strong today and sincerelyfocused on the inherent Enlightenment potential ofall Beings Everywhere.– Rev. […]