Are we mere mortals or are we gods in human form? Within each one of us there is a spark of the eternal. No matter how mundane our lives may sometimes seem, we are a part of the divine creation. We have no right to assume that we are only a very small or insignificant […]
Flagstaff Nordic Center – Sunday, February 1, 2009 click on pics to enlarge After 3 consecutive weekends of racing in three different winter sports, covering race distances from 10k to 42k, and canvassing 700 miles of travel, Coach cashed in on his final event before the Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon by repeating as Champion in […]
Noble Ones, got this from PowerBar in case you’ve been wondering. oh, and if you have NOT been using the new Power POWERBAR GEL BLASTSwhich i assisted in creating, you’re missing a great product that is ideal for pre-yoga and during cardio…these Gel Blasts are designed to fill the gap between a PowerGel and a […]
“Why do we Sit Still in Wholistic Fitness training?… …in order to remove the darkness of conditioned egoic layers.”– coach ilg in siddhasanaMeditation is one of the Five Noble Disciplines of Wholistic Fitness, since 1982 *** If you are sitting, and your mind is not wholly in tune with your body—if you are, for instance, […]
Also in the SanghaLounge; the new SUNRIDER Herb information, a killer discussion on WF Strength Training Techniques, and 1,169 other Teachings and Sharings! get in there, at least Once A Week and encourage your fellow WF Sisters and Brothers while learning from the most Whole Fitness Students on this plane(t)! *** Namaste. My name is […]
the crux within the Realm of us Humans is that we get to consciously choose each m(om)ent of our lives…will we concentrate on what is Highest for our Souls or will we grasp at the many fictions which run amok in our minds? as i continue to be inspired by your support of WF,you help […]
“If we choose to live “on the grid” in America in any way, shape, or form,we need not look very far at all to find that through ouractions, we say ‘yes’ to innumerable things that, philosophically,we may oppose. Just wearing clothes, having a bank account, owning a car or house,using a plastic toothbrush, climbing a […]
“Of course i love limber yogis…i mean,what’s NOT to love about limber yogis? it’s just that i happen to love EVEN MOREthose limber yogisthat can also find their breath and mula bandha whileBack Squatting at least twice their bodyweight for reps,racing a 10k in less than 35 minutes,and tele ski black diamond ski runs… then […]