last spring (can you tell by the mountain yogi lack of a tan?) using Asana to re-soften my feet after another season of winter endurance sports. photo by Ananda. ASANA: when we perform asana (yogic postures) we are doing more than mere physical exercise; each of Shiva’s 10,000 asanas directly influence our psychic system. remember […]
Okay,soooo let’s say you are one of the VERY FEW that choose to apply for and get accepted to be a WF Online Student under my Mother Hennish tendencies. the ONLY MANDATORY RULE that all of my Online Students are required to do is to send me a very quick (or very long, doesn’t matter) […]
Call it a return on your DEVOTED PRACTICE… I have made arrangements for a Seven Day Cruise to be given to ONE LUCKY DL SUBSCRIBER! Good Luck!!! you will be AUTOMATICALLY contacted by my representation company!!! I assure you that no sales people will call or bother you in any way. This is completely on […]
regardless of what your Invoice might read, THERE ARE NO SHIPPING CHARGES are ever added to ANY AUDIO or PDF Purchase! Most Noble WF Website Manager, Hakado Ru, had his perseverance tested while attempting to install the latest Audio Download technology to our humble Online Pro Shop… it is with great and deep respect and […]
click pics to enlarge… IT’S ALWAYS EASIER TO WANT WHAT YOU GET THAN TO GET WHAT YOUR (EGO) WANTS coming up this week in DL Subscription Format; Awareness of the Higher Perspective during Daily Life… also; my Norwegian Nordic Poling training program as i prepare for the Arizona State Nordic Championship this Sunday… plus, as […]
Before i take you along with me during Race Day and invite you to share some fantastic professional, poster quality images of me suffering on the race course (be sure to click to enlarge the photos), out of respect, let’s take a m(om)ent to honor what is far more important… Tsoodzil, the Blue Bead Mountain…the […]
click to enlarge “Just as surely as there is mental power in the body, likewise there is this cosmic power which yogis know as “kundalini.” In athletes living only in the sweat plane, and in yogis living only in the studio plane, it remains covered by tamoguna…the layered thickness of addictive, lazy patterns accumulated over […]
“What goes up, must come down.”– common “It is best not to be overly excited or too depressed about the ups and downs of life.”– The Dalai Lama upon receiving the Nobel Peace Prize “The yogi, trained in equanimity, attempts to reside in the space between the Highs and Lows of life circumstances and keeps […]