The following response is to Chris Tucker, currently studying life in Shanghai, from veteran Online Student Anne in NJ.This thread is just one of several hundred that are ongoing, poetic, poignant, and potent in the Chill Out Sacred Space of the WF SanghaLounge; complimentary to ALL DL SUBSCRIBERS and WF Students! Come on in, learn, […]
Top Ten Reasons Why You Know You Are A Rookie Parent (with apologies to David Letterman) #10) You’re going to bed at the time you used to be getting pimp’d to go clubbin’.#9) Discover that putting Post-It reminders on your forehead to help the daze and confusion actually works. #8) Realizing you just answered the […]
Coach,You probably hear this a lot: you’re the best!!! Thanks for keepingme updated through the process of my Blessed Malas. I was trying to focus to bring lots ofenergy into my meditations. I’m very excited about the Malas.– steve a order YOUR WF Blessed Malas Today; Personally Empowered by Coach during a Multi-Day Empowerment Ritual; […]
coming soon to the The WF Pro Shop KILLER deals straight from The WF Temple to you, each item Dharmically dripping with the WF Chi Force with special, special discounts for DL SUBSCRIBERS!
“For us to survive on the spiritual path, there are many challenges to face, and there is much to learn. We have to discover how to deal with obstacles and difficulties; how to process doubts and see through wrong views; how to inspire ourselves when we least feel like it; how to understand ourselves and […]
HP Yoga Flyer
“The Awakened Yogi, knowing of the inevitability of pain mingled with pleasure which makes up a human incarnation, attempts through steadfast Practice to slay plurality, watching all duality become diluted in the Holy Water of one’s Sweat until all separateness fades into the growing, luminosity of Oneness. Being Gifted a child brings up ones own […]
Hello Coach, Your DL of 11/4 was awesome. Direct (as usual) and clear. Thank you. When Iread you it becomes so clear why I chose WF and asked you to teach me. I did get a short training session in. I am in poor shape. It’s all good.Felt good to be on the bike and […]