ilg thinking

Dear Mr. Ilg,

First I must say I have long respected your astonishing intellect about wholistic training and noble sport performance done for spiritual reasons. Your books have inspired me and my family, I want to make sure you know that. Thank you.

Now…please also understand that I understand that among several other deeply perturbing ‘training assignments’, you actually coach your students to pee in the sink presumably “to save water.” This struck me as so utterly divorced from what a “Personal Trainer” and ” Yogi” should be…please, tell me that such crude behavior is just rumor!

A Precariously Perched Fan

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today, ilg washed my kettle for Buddha using several WF Techniques. if you’ve washed a dish recently while remaining unconscious of the absolutely exquisite opportunities for elevating your Enlightenment potential during the washing of the dish? then, well, hate to tell you…you’ve managed to Separate once again, your notion of personal fitness from your everyday life…quit wasting precious m(om)ents; study WF as if your spiritual life depended on it…cuz it does.

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(free) SR and MAP: Q&A Beginners Info

Photo:  This Halloween,   my two little witches (Ananda and Dewa)  gave out SUNRIDER™ Herbs two fantastic products:  SUNBARS and NUPUFFS…the absolute health and great taste of these treats probably went unnoticed by the kids,  however, their cells sure did appreciate it!  So will yours! Student: Dear Coach,I just put in our first SUNRIDER Herbs™ order […]

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reaching gomu

“…the key to teaching the lower back to ‘let go’ while simultaneously hammering out big cardio volumes/intensities is constancy of Practice and investment within continual Pranic composition…as long as we remain addicted to the muscle & oxygen system, there is no chance for true Wholistic Balance within the capacities of the Human Vehicle.” – coach ilg. in this actual Student Q&A, coach answers a cyclist concerned about how stiff his lower back is and the dangers of health and compromised sport performance of a stiff low back.

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mula women

below, i field an Actual Training Question from an Online Student on the undeniably critical Life Force-enhancing technique of Mula Bandha…a requisite attainment for all those who seek Awakened Life Force and resultant Insights… demonstrating appropriate posture for development, enhancement, and refinement for Mula Bandha.   note the obvious engagement of Uddiyana Bandha through the midsection […]

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Detering cookin padma

Student Detering engaging several WF Practices:  Earned Sustenance, Non-Dominant Hand Technique, Smiling Guru,  Challenge Discomfort, et. al.  Oh like, you think we can’t ALL be inspired by WF Students like Susan?  Sangha?   We NEED your bravery to SHARE what you have found within WF!  photo and chi, courtesy of Student Detering.  Search the Archives for […]

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photo of ilg, the day after a 10-mile, high altitude mountain run; getting male (gym) after being so female (running). Hi there, my name is christian, from Germany. A friend of mine showed me the “whole body transformation” program, and i want to start to do it soon. I am into strength training and cardio […]

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Ashtanga Yoga is often Ouch-tanga Separation – Protecting Joint Beds during Asana; A Sample HP Yoga® Weekly Program

Jumping For Joy is not only a great classic rock climbing route first put up by Yvon Chouinard near the Nutcracker in Yosemite, it’s only what Dewachen is doing as she grabs air on the tramp this morning. Joy feels Dewa’s vicariously; that wonder-ful feeling of being as light as a feather. photo by ilg […]

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