Imogene Taper;  final mountain run to Clear Lake

High Heart Rate with a view…

looking NE over Ophir Pass…the 4wd road pictured. the snow still tinges the southwest edge of the unnamed lake, about 1,200′ below my Pranayama perch. as i was immersed in my pranayama, an Osprey buzzed me at warp speed, nearly sending me off my perch! this is a very Go(o)d place to ilg…

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gaden shartse monks

Gaden Shartse monks working on a Chenrezig Mandala at Open Shutter Gallery, downtown Durango today…Tomorrow evening, the Mandala will then be offered into the sacred waters of the Animas River…the Teaching is of Impermanence…

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today’s yogis speak and teach of Mula Bandha,

they speak and teach of “universal alignment”…

they speak and teach so often of lofty, esoteric, ancient principles and techniques of the Ancient Enlightened Ones..yet,

year after year…it seems to feeble ilg…that few yogis do what it takes to simulate a…

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Not Just Another Pole-ish Joke;  Pole Running Season Begins!

Jai Jai Ma, Jai Jai Ma! Hey Ma Durga!

As Donna DeLory sings, “I want to feel what You Feel/i want to see what is real Beyond this Illusion!” …and, one of the most effective ways i’ve found to discover just That, is crushin’ a hard uphill run with ski poles…like my morning workout today…come join me, i’ll show you exactly WHY you need to reap the MYRIAD benefits of this type of cardio/strength workout!

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The desperate situation of the planet is slowly waking people up to the necessity for transformation on a global scale.

Enlightenment is real, and there are enlightened masters still on the earth. When you actually meet one, you will be shaken and moved in the depths of your heart and you will realize that all the words, such as illumination and wisdom, that you thought were only ideas are in fact true.

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DL Most Popular – Are You Strong Enough To Doubt Your Doubt?

When we doubt our capacity to achieve or be something, we whittle away our precious stores of Trust, Faith, and Self-Confidence. For athletes, the most powerful ally we can bring to a Start Line is confidence…confidence borne from countless hours of training and inner work.

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(all access) “We can’t all be Champions, however, we can train like them!”…


i once shared a MTB ride with Cadel up Jones Creek when he was still a mountain biker…he eagerly sought more discussion about the Tibetan cause once i told him i studied at Naropa; it’s great to hear that Cadel is still actively concerned about Saving Tibet ! He was a super, super nice guy back then and..

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A Durango Gem of a Trail loaded with full frontal WF Chi:  LOG CHUTES!

located a glorious 7 miles and a thousand-plus feet higher than my riverfront home lies a special – if not hallowed – yes, c(om)e to TAF it…it IS hallowed – training ground…i’ve known it since a kid borrowing Lorie Worthan’s automatic clutch, 3-speed Honda trail bike, upon which i swear to Lord Shiva, i’d take up to these trails among the wild Turkey, Coyote, Fox, Deer, Elk, and Bear Beings and strip my ass butt naked, and motor around on these trails fast as i could…pressing my little scrotum against the wide, sweaty vinyl seat seeking new dizzying heights of pre-orgasmic bliss…flash forward to me today, 40-odd years later; same trails, same nearly orgasmic sensations…the only difference? i ain’t naked (though i’d like to be), and i’m either running or mountain biking…or, like earlier today? i’m doing both…c’mon; welcome to The Logchute Trail System!

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