
for those us into Intensive Parenting; how many of you recognize this look from your little Guru when you attempt to gain their attention from their very limited “Screen Time” per day? they are out of it…so absorbed by the high frequency wavicles of the Screen…never,ever doubt the brain-takeover of Screen Time; limit it! pic […]

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Dewa wanted y’all to see her Easter Basket in which she placed real top soil and grass seeds so that she’ll have real living grass into which to place her Easter Eggs…

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yet both – Holding a Grudge and Gossiping – are on the podium of the “Do Not Do List” of the yogic/spiritual athlete hit list. Why? More on that in a m(om)ment…for now, let’s explore a bit deeper the attraction of holding a grudge…

ilg begins each Wednesday night HP Yoga® Class with the most ancient Prayer known; it is the Prayer of the Five Dhyana Buddha’s and there is a line in there which is a real stinker for us feeble Seekers along the Higher Way…it goes;

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and…believe it or not!?!? the HP Yogi Squat of the Week goes to none other than WF Creator/Founder; Coach Steve Ilg shown here contemplating the Rush of all Go(o)d Things during a run alongside the BEAUTIFUL Deschutes River in Bend, Oregon the other day…

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ahhhhh…home sweet hOMe…not that ilg didn’t enjoy/appreciate traversing Father Sky twice across Turtle Island and back just to coach at a snowshoe race, yet, not even the fanciest of resorts or layover 5-star hotels can equal the simple wealth of ‘Bedtime Story’ with the fam in our humble home next to the Sacred River…

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dawag @ natz ’13

here is an update on DawaG’s Noble Effort on Saturday thanks to YOUR SUPPORT! full story coming soon to WF.COM Members!

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“Our Mind is never at peace, for her nature is to be constantly active. Forgive her. However, our Breath, praise Be Here Now to the Lord, is always peaceful, observing, never attached…therefore, Oh Noble Yogi, dwell as often as possible within the Breath to balance the machinations of the nature of the mind’s jumping…” – coach steve ilg

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ilg squatting

pic: ilg squatting 320lbs for 10 reps at a bodyweight of 138lbs while logging 80 miles running per week and capable of rock climbing 5.11 when

5.12 was the highest technical lead.

go fetch.


since 1982

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