typically scintillating San Juans in summer…rocketing down the from the top of the climb, the intoxicating rush and dazzle of wildflowers and berries make for a disorienting – yet sacred – descent; like falling through a perfumed kaleidoscope!
WF Warrior Miguel
has kindly added this kindling to our collective Tribal Inner Fire…i’ve selected it for our weekly “Get out and Do” Meditation…
The desperate situation of the planet is slowly waking people up to the necessity for transformation on a global scale.
Enlightenment is real, and there are enlightened masters still on the earth. When you actually meet one, you will be shaken and moved in the depths of your heart and you will realize that all the words, such as illumination and wisdom, that you thought were only ideas are in fact true.
El Coache, I am writing because I could use a little help or even just a short pep-talk. I have been struggling for what seems like years to get back on the right track. I am 206 and 22% BF if my scale is to be believed. A couple of years ago (when I did my first snowshoe race) I was 185 and 12-14%. Not great but better than where I am now. I don’t care so much about the raw numbers but they are discouraging. I am a bit overwhelmed by work, stress and anxiety as I have mentioned previously and if I listen to my body I am tired and feel out of it most of the time. I know I need the exercise as a stress release and to lose the excess weight so missing it only adds stress. When I do exercise, I am discouraged by how far I have slipped back. My cardio fitness is a distant memory it seems and I even have anxiety about that as I seem to read every day about very fit athletes dropping dead during a ride or run. Meditation is proving elusive as well. Not sure what to do with the limited time I have. I know my problems are minor in the grand scheme of things but I can’t seem to get out of this rut and it’s depressing. Any perspective, advice, anything would be appreciated. Thanks for all the help you’ve given me over the years…
Another priceless m(om)ent from my Early Morning Practice this morning…before heading out into a 2 hour+ mountain trot among the summer splendor of Durango…the juxtaposition of softness (yoga/meditation/pranayama) with concussion (mountain running) is a sweet/sweat dance which has ignited my inner life for well over 35 years; it’s what Wholistic Fitness™ is all about. Indeed, if personal training methods were given an Animal Totem, surely WF’s would be my nickname; The Chameleon…for we can dance among various sports/disciplines like nobody!
don’t tell me you ain’t got your WF “Wholy Sweat” sticker, yet?!? comes free with all orders from the WF Pro Shop!