Why come out to Durango this summer for even a half-day training camp with me…? Well…this killer 5-minute video might spark some sprinkle into your spokes! All ages, all abilities; custom designed Durango sweat for you by ilg…enjoy and hope to see you out here this summer!
Conscious Fatherhood; regardless of the in-wordable effort, sacrifice, and exhaustion can be a most fertile garden in which a human can cultivate compassion, fearlessness, and Divine Motivational Energy. Conscious Daddies Everywhere: If we keep our heart open – even during those frustrating times when we just want to start throwing furniture out the windows – the pain, worry, and effort might just turn out to be our greatest next handholds and footholds toward Enlightenment. It takes, however, a LOT of everyday Sacred Sweat, Focus, and Surrender. Mostly surrender.
– coach ilg, father of Dewachen
here is how i spent my day-before-Father’s Day…i have no idea what the girls have planned for me today…enjoy and Blessed be ALL CONSCIOUS PARENTS EVERYWHERE IN ALL REALMS….
Have you had a chance to meet Lance Armstrong?
I’ve always been a big fan of Lance, but I haven’t met him yet. I was really close a few times, but I got a little shy. He did sign a jersey for me.
located a glorious 7 miles and a thousand-plus feet higher than my riverfront home lies a special – if not hallowed – yes, c(om)e to TAF it…it IS hallowed – training ground…i’ve known it since a kid borrowing Lorie Worthan’s automatic clutch, 3-speed Honda trail bike, upon which i swear to Lord Shiva, i’d take up to these trails among the wild Turkey, Coyote, Fox, Deer, Elk, and Bear Beings and strip my ass butt naked, and motor around on these trails fast as i could…pressing my little scrotum against the wide, sweaty vinyl seat seeking new dizzying heights of pre-orgasmic bliss…flash forward to me today, 40-odd years later; same trails, same nearly orgasmic sensations…the only difference? i ain’t naked (though i’d like to be), and i’m either running or mountain biking…or, like earlier today? i’m doing both…c’mon; welcome to The Logchute Trail System!
this morning i will be on a national Asea, “Charge Up Call” speaking about a few of the many profound benefits i’m continuing to find along my personal and professional Asea Journey…here are the call details; for WF.com Members, i’ll detail my insights in the WF SanghaLounge within the Asea section…
“El Coache;
Thank you!
It gave me just the butt kickin that I needed. I’m going to try to commit to coming every Wed night. I just wanted to check out the new cave before buying a pass.
I’m sure you’ve been told this before… your class is the toughest class ever. Love the pain!”
– one of Durango’s many cycling champions after last night’s HP PROP WORKOUT