Deeply and highly talented ashtangi yogi Josh Schrei at timberline, in the Sangré de Christos. Josh is one of the rare yogis that realized there is more to Wholeness than mastering yoga-asana flows. Many yogis, i’ve found, can’t see the notion of Wholeness through their infatuation with the thicket of asanas. I’ve found ‘studio yogis’ to be just as resistant to the gym and cardio as are gym and cardio athletes resistant to yoga! Josh is only a few months into his WF Online Studies and has finished 1st place (AG) in his first snowshoe race, has returned into the Iron Temple, and will race a 50k Mountain Trail Race in May. Below are some of his beautiful inSights about his return to Strength and Cardio Training…i PROMISE, you will not hear such deep insights from the conventionally-trained! Enjoy and May Yogi Josh’s practice insights illumine (y)our own training toward Wholeness!
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