
taking asana (seat) within the gloriously rigorous (for me & most other cardio/strength athletes) Bharadvajasana at my Temple H(om)e zendo. each yoga asana is intended as a meditation enhancer, so the Instructions are simple; strike a pose, and meditate in it. below i describe how after a couple of decades of practice, i was finally able to ‘take seat’ in this majestic posture…
Bharadvajasana (variation)…

Traditional Benefits – lumbar and dorsal spine mobility igniting all the chakral fields (when Mula, Uddiyana, and Kantha Mudras are engaged). MahaYogi Iyengar says it treats arthritic and stiff spines. FeebleYogiIlg knows from Direct Experience that this posture really solidified the fact that i WAS going to self heal from my spinal paraylsis and smashed pelvis…i recall quite a Chakral M(om)ent practicing this posture in my sweatlodge of a trailer home on the Poaquque Reservation, NM. Bharadvaja was a father of warriors in the Mahabharata. This posture honors him.

How To Do It…

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You Won’t Believe How Healthy And TASTY Is This Dish!!!

Serves 4 Noble WF Warriors, Prep Time; 20 Mindful minutes

When i instructed Ananda to start gathering more Conscious-Parent Mealtimes for our next WF Mealtime Guidebook, ilg once again underestimated the innumerable siddhi’s which radiate like bicycle wheel spokes from my Beloved’s capacity. This one, what i call, CONSCIOUS COUSCOUS ACA (the ACA means with Apricots, Currants, and Almonds) has GOT to be one of her most recent finest dishes! Rinpoche Dewachen (3) absolutely DEVOURS this dish with gusto leeching from her precious eyes! To our Clan, this dish tastes like Heaven-sent candy that is really, really healthy for all yogic and warrior constitutions! Enjoy and let me what you think! I’m posting this in the WF SanghaLounge as well…it’s kinda like our next cookbook-in-progress, always accessible to Members.

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ilg thinking

Dear Mr. Ilg,

First I must say I have long respected your astonishing intellect about wholistic training and noble sport performance done for spiritual reasons. Your books have inspired me and my family, I want to make sure you know that. Thank you.

Now…please also understand that I understand that among several other deeply perturbing ‘training assignments’, you actually coach your students to pee in the sink presumably “to save water.” This struck me as so utterly divorced from what a “Personal Trainer” and ” Yogi” should be…please, tell me that such crude behavior is just rumor!

A Precariously Perched Fan

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ilg realizes that you – like myself – are on the “good guy mailing list” and get constantly prodded, hounded, and sometimes downright pounded for your dinero to support the Whales whose skin is blistering from global warming, the polar bears last stand on the fragile and ever thinning ice sheets…and then, well, there’s that […]

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(free!)  ilg featured; Snowshoe Mag

Written by WF Devotee, Jeff Kildahl…enjoy! Trail Runner Into Snowshoe Runner

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3,000th Blog Teaching: Durango’s 1st Autumn Snow

yes, ilg has just passed my 3,000th Blog Teaching…as if to celebrate, Brahman with His Divine timing intact, sent along Durango’s first autumn snow in town…may these photos bring a smile into your heart……as do the first autumn snows fall so lusciously upon the Sacred Peaks and Rivers, may your Divine Consciousness fall upon your normal consciousness today…

head bowed,


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today, ilg washed my kettle for Buddha using several WF Techniques. if you’ve washed a dish recently while remaining unconscious of the absolutely exquisite opportunities for elevating your Enlightenment potential during the washing of the dish? then, well, hate to tell you…you’ve managed to Separate once again, your notion of personal fitness from your everyday life…quit wasting precious m(om)ents; study WF as if your spiritual life depended on it…cuz it does.

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(free) SR and MAP: Q&A Beginners Info

Photo:  This Halloween,   my two little witches (Ananda and Dewa)  gave out SUNRIDER™ Herbs two fantastic products:  SUNBARS and NUPUFFS…the absolute health and great taste of these treats probably went unnoticed by the kids,  however, their cells sure did appreciate it!  So will yours! Student: Dear Coach,I just put in our first SUNRIDER Herbs™ order […]

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