taking asana (seat) within the gloriously rigorous (for me & most other cardio/strength athletes) Bharadvajasana at my Temple H(om)e zendo. each yoga asana is intended as a meditation enhancer, so the Instructions are simple; strike a pose, and meditate in it. below i describe how after a couple of decades of practice, i was finally able to ‘take seat’ in this majestic posture…
Bharadvajasana (variation)…
Traditional Benefits – lumbar and dorsal spine mobility igniting all the chakral fields (when Mula, Uddiyana, and Kantha Mudras are engaged). MahaYogi Iyengar says it treats arthritic and stiff spines. FeebleYogiIlg knows from Direct Experience that this posture really solidified the fact that i WAS going to self heal from my spinal paraylsis and smashed pelvis…i recall quite a Chakral M(om)ent practicing this posture in my sweatlodge of a trailer home on the Poaquque Reservation, NM. Bharadvaja was a father of warriors in the Mahabharata. This posture honors him.
How To Do It…