Karmic Law…

Published on Jun 16, 2013 by in Dharma Teaching, Teachings


Karmic law, as taught to me by my Teachers, is simple, inevitable, and endless: whenever we…

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“Sun’s Out…Gun’s Out,” Student Gamhé attributes her transformed body/mind/spirit to a heapin’ helpin’ dosage of what she calls, “The Ilgness Factor,”….

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Friday, June 29th, from 6-8:30pm…
The Energetics Toward Enlightenment, an intimate presentation toward the most priceless, precious human endeavor…
extremely limited spaces…

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summer ilg 13

Go(o)d Karma Quote of the day goes to Student J, who, after my HP Yoga® Slow Flow tonight wrote me, “Thanks coach; that was so much fun that I cried!”

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“We should all start to live before we get too old.

Fear is stupid. So are regrets.”

– Yogini Marilyn Monroe in a creative variation of urdhva ardha marichyasana. free rights photo.

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I may never know
the turmoil
you have endured
or the bliss
you have embraced
to become who you are
but I do know
these unknown parts of you
twisted and turned
in the great wheel of life
allowed you to lead me…

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Since improving my diet and other wholistic activities, and consuming Assimilaid for the past few weeks, my acid reflux has improved dramatically. I might have said cured, except recently, after a week in Gallup, NM eating crappy food, it came back a bit. Now it is again on the wane.

What other measures, yoga routines, etc. might you recommend?

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Now through the summer: HP Yoga® at DRL; Monday Slow Flow@5:30-6:30pm and Wednesday PROP Workout! 5:30-7:00pm!

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