huck finn

…i can recall sitting on the banks of Huck Finn, just making face with the most beautiful girl on the plane(t) at the time (i was 14)…the smell of the cattails, the sound of the Sacred Animas, the inflection of geese flapping as ilg was struggling to come to terms with this newfound art of smooching…

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to how many Durangatangs is this scene riveted into our Samskaric make up? Grandfather Sun winking over Pandemonium…pic by ilg this afternoon.

ilg has skied 14 of the last 16 days…and that type of diligence, when directed, pays off. for ilg, today? it paid off in a most resplendent, surreal, and Significant Wholistic Shift Higher!!! read on…

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nut 2

i felt the immense and sudden impact of a hundred thousand Conscious Parenting hours hit me in that one heart opening confession of my Chi-ld being so present with her feelings and her trust in me to provide for her…

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First Winter Season Race Day!!!…”being a capable human while being,”

pleased is ilg, with this first ski race of the young season…4th place AG, 8th OA among super, duper, NOOPER fit Durango skiers in a tough as ice 10k which featured more climbing than descending and maybe 3 meters of recovery during 2 x5k laps. my yoga teachers Transmitted to me the stalwart principle of “being a capable human while being,” and that Transmission took. it made ilg re-Member many lives and thus took root, and has blossomed. if you can find a more versatile, capable yogi; let me know. on the podium for all yogi’s since 1981!

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Breakfast at ilg’s…yum!

ahhhh, that’s better! ilg ‘signs off’ on Lone Tree powder…Amen…

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This M(om)ent;  Tis (getting to be) The Season!


from our Clan to yours…enjoy, sweat through, and appreciate the Holidays!!!

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snowy stevie

“If you lose the spirit of repetition, your {zen} practice becomes difficult.” – D.T. Suzuki…

only difference with WF?
we don’t just Sit…we SWEAT…c’mon…

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Twas The Night Before The First Winter’s Storm…

When there in my garage arose such a matter,
spilling my brew attending to a bike with tires the fatter…
i threw off the old knobbies in a flash,
replacing them with studded ones (as if i was Johnny Cash)…

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