Ego is the absence of true knowledge of who we really are, together with its result: a doomed clutching on, at all costs, to a cobbled together and makeshift image of ourselves, an inevitably chameleon charlatan self that keeps changing, and has to, to keep alive the fiction of its existence. In Tibetan, ego is […]
“…while slogging through wet, avalanche proneslopes below climbs or between steps of ice, or while fighting off thepump and fighting back the fear, which rises like bile on overhanging,underprotected pitches, I found the focus I’ve cultivated through HP Prop Workout classes and under your guidance. – Andrew “Bantu” Frostworld-class mountaineerflagstaff, az THE BANTU JOURNALS,Edition Number […]
click on pic to enlarge “A true sign of progress along a genuine path of wholeness is when our conditioned, inculcated Human Interpretation is slowly being replaced more and more frequently by Divine Perspective.” – coach ilg photo: Ananda looks out over the birthplace of Wholistic Fitness, my Beloved San Juan Mountains near Telluride, Colorado. […]
Greetings Coach Ilg, well,CV count revealed 5 hours 30 minutes last week thanks to 60 minutes of good snow shoveling and a 2-hour xc ski ‘drop-everything’ adventure. This week is revealing it’s own rhythm which appears to be altogether different. early morning solo asana has been slightly off since Saturday. my best ‘insight’ with this […]
coach in a DL most popular photo; Bhadravajrasana, Snow Canyon, Utah. photo by Kathy Faulstich. *** Coach, I have your High Performance Yoga DVD. Would this be an equal substitute for the wednesday yoga program in the Green Tara program in your TBT book? Going onward with that sacred sweat, Jeff Boyea(bowing to you coach, […]
“If time truly is endless, we are very wrong to think of it as a straight line that stretches from a distant past to the most remote future. That line simply has to be curved. Sooner or later, it must meet itself and form a circle. Only circles go on forever. Perhaps, as we are […]
“If my 16 month-old Dewachen can trust in the UniVerse to JUMP into new terrain at nearly every given moment, i KNOW you can JUMP into the SUNRIDER Herbal Temple for at least a 6-month nutritional experience of a lifetime!” – Gymnastic training with Dewa. photo by Ananda. Visit New Daddy Ilg’s newly updated SUNRIDER […]
click pics to enlarge and help support WF Devotee Roy Wallack by buying this new book!…includes a “Yoga On The Run” chapter with yours truly… i never know what’s gonna pop up in my Inbox… arriving this morning was the above hilarious announcement of my Furnace Creek 508 Racing Teammate, Roy Wallack’s new book; RUN […]