‘Discipline is just regulating and directing your energy in the right direction; it is not a prison.’ – Swami Rama Now appearing in Teacher Ananda’s blog; THE JOYFUL BREATH
{I lifted the following straight from yesterday’s batch of very cool dialogues that are going on 24/7 in the Wholistic Fitness “SanghaLounge”. discussions revolve around all aspects of living, embracing, and struggling with the joys and efforts of the WF Lifestyle. don’t miss this refuge on the Internet dedicated for the High Exchange between those […]
After meditation, it’s important not to give in to our tendency to solidify the way we perceive things. When you do re-enter everyday life, let the wisdom, insight, compassion, humor, fluidity, spaciousness, and detachment that meditation brought you pervade your day-to-day experience. Meditation awakens in you the realization of how the nature of everything is […]
many of you know that Medicine Ball Twist Crunches supersetted into “Mini Rocky’s” (shown below) are my relied upon Ab Movements. just now? i dropped my 9lb Medicine Ball from this position…right onto my nose! OUCH! kinda reminds me of my boxing days… what a bozo you have as a coach! love and bruises along […]
Keeping the Sacred Peak sacred by sweat and spirit. Engaged Religion and Spirituality looks like this! i first learned by Direct Experience what i would later fashion into the WF Litter Patrol from my Mom and Dad. oh, and yup, you can damn well bet that my own daughter will be raised in this Practice […]
A Spike Too Soon. after doing something that may have never been done in the history of mankind (somebody check!), i have seemingly gone and done my own self in! after living in the sea level and smuck of LA for a decade, within two years of moving back to high altitude, i have won […]
Exactly what the ATV’ers, jeepers, and motorcyclists are scared of; self-propelled effort and reliance upon their spirit instead of their gas throttle. photo of Ananda, self propelling herself and her ‘machine’ up Lower Brookbank Trail, Flagstaff. Excerpts From Today’s Arizona Sun: The Coconino National Forest might close almost all off-road trails used by motorcycles […]