
Excerpt from my weekly HP Yogi Missive to my local sangha here in Durango; “Look to your duty; do not tremble before it; nothing is better for a warrior than a battle of sacred duty. The doors of heaven open for warriors who rejoice to have a battle like this thrust on them by chance.” […]

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You have enriched the lives of so many and have truly made a mark on this world.

Thank you for all you have meant to me and for all you have given to me.

You are my guide, my brother and most of all my friend.

Ai Imawa with love.

Fit Kit

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“Do not walk before me, for i may not follow. Do not walk behind me, for i may not lead. Just walk beside me, and be my Friend.” Native American saying…original author unknown pic by ilg; Dewa and Aaaaahmaji doing what we do in Durango during winter…it’s the wind through the hair, it’s the sound […]

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Student Quote of the Week…

Published on Aug 05, 2012 by in Potent Quotes, Teachings


“Coach puts the ILG in pILGrimage!”

– Mountain Mermaid JB

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pic: ilg, after doing perhaps a bit tooo much meditation

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Quote of the Week…

Published on Jul 23, 2012 by in Potent Quotes, Teachings


Dear Coach Ilg,

Considering that We have never met in person and I know only of you from my experience on the WWW, I have to say that your vision of Tranquility , Beauty and Oneness in the Universe, counters all evil that one would encoumter on this Internet. thank you for spreading the love…

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Our Clan’s Dharma 4th…and your Inter-depend-Dance Day?

“ Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built.” ~ Rumi

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i have been thinking a lot about WF recently and stopped by the site a few times in the last few days. Awesome stuff, i am reminded of the remarkable work you do and admire the courage you show in walking the path and the incredible amounts of sense you talk.

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