HP Yoga Asana Study; Shavasana…There Is A Time For Letting Go

Namaste beloved coach:I started my HP journey in mid-august, 2008 with your HP PROP WORKOUT® …i was still searching for a teacher having only been in Flagstaff for 1 1/2 months. i used to “hate” ab work. your charisma and humor inspired me, and got me hooked…– Julie “the petticoat yogini” M Shavasana(Corpse Posture)… There […]

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HP PROP WORKOUT 101; Treasuring The Training Effect

“Leave it to my coach ilg to be the first person on the planet to become neurotic over wholeness!”– WF Master Student “Tatavati”Indiana *** “I enjoyed class immensely last Tuesday! Thank you so much. How much fun there is to have in the cave! I just want to tell you, that I feel very privileged […]

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{this exchange is with a young local yogini who came to me to ‘cure’ her absolutely butchered-from-various-doctors knees. if i had a dime…anyway, she is taking private bodywork/yoga with me along with my prescribed EMR and MAP Amino Acids. Within three sessions, things are starting to heat up…at the most important Level; the Inner Energetic […]

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Power Yoga?

Published on Feb 09, 2009 by in WF Teachings, Yoga

Power Yoga?

click on pic to enlarge “A true sign of progress along a genuine path of wholeness is when our conditioned, inculcated Human Interpretation is slowly being replaced more and more frequently by Divine Perspective.” – coach ilg photo: Ananda looks out over the birthplace of Wholistic Fitness, my Beloved San Juan Mountains near Telluride, Colorado. […]

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Coach Cranks Down On Spiritual Laziness…even when it’s Noble Effort!

coach in a DL most popular photo; Bhadravajrasana, Snow Canyon, Utah. photo by Kathy Faulstich. *** Coach, I have your High Performance Yoga DVD. Would this be an equal substitute for the wednesday yoga program in the Green Tara program in your TBT book? Going onward with that sacred sweat, Jeff Boyea(bowing to you coach, […]

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Limber Yogis vs. Mighty Limb’d Yogis

“Of course i love limber yogis…i mean,what’s NOT to love about limber yogis? it’s just that i happen to love EVEN MOREthose limber yogisthat can also find their breath and mula bandha whileBack Squatting at least twice their bodyweight for reps,racing a 10k in less than 35 minutes,and tele ski black diamond ski runs… then […]

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click to enlarge photo of coach in utthitapadavasisthasana bywww.jamesqmartin.com both styles of classes available on DVD:WF Pro Shop; DVD Section

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Adding Things To The Proven Practice…

“asana or pranayama really require an empty stomach in order to be pranically receptive. 2, preferrably 3 hours or longer after eating is a mandatory time frame before practicing asana and/or pranayama. you’ll want as clean, clear system as possible. – coach ilg” photo: HP Yogini Susan (see DL Archives, October 2008) during a River […]

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