ilg’s Winter Race Season so far; 2013/14

all races done on a Grade II MCL knee injury:

1st place; Snowshoe; Vertical Hour, December 14, Hesperus, CO
1st place; 7.5k Classic; World’s Highest Nordic Biathlon, December 15, Wolf Creek Pass, CO
1st place, 50+ Mens; Coke Race #1, 8k Classic, December 28, Purgatory, CO
2nd Place OA, 1st Place Mens, Vertical Hour #2 Snowshoe; January 5th, Hesperus, CO

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Happy 84th to my precious M(om)…may feeble ilg be so ALIVE with the CHI as her…and yes, that is my 55 year-old older sis, Constance Ilg with my M(om)…and a Happy 45th to my little brother Craig who was born on my M(om)’s b-day! — with Constance Ilg.

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Yet Another Wholistic Fitness® Healing Miracle…Diving Spirit Long into the Steep and Deep…

nostrilly-iced ilg, at the summit ridge…from dry to high…this might have been my hardest, steepest, deepest workout yet, 48 hours after a Grade II MCL Sprain on my left knee

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Aditisan’s first words were, “Why does everything sound soooo beautiful?” Aditisan, of course, was referring to the natural sounds of the varied birdsongs tap dancing across the tapestry of Brother Wind and of the song of the Sacred Headwaters rushing south through granite canyons as if intent upon meeting a much, much Higher appointment.

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oh, there are plenty of B&B rooms available in my Mecca….yet? what ilg offers goes waaaaay beyond some sterile room! book now! just released this price to the internet and already am booking months in advance!

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In my line of Service,

hec, in my personal life…

double hec; in the karmic/samskaric lives of all Beings;

there is tremendous suffering.

you don’t need to look far to find suffering. it’s already within. just try softening the tightness in our own hips, for instance…
“Be kind to everyone,” taught Buddha, “for everyone is having a difficult time.”

Here is a Practice from my own Teacher i engage to help elevate my efforts compassion for self and others who are suffering;

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Lap 2 was sooooo stinking brutal. Chronically sucking in massive amounts of spray water flung from spinning wheels while flinging soaked self after all these Two Bits was REALLY beginning to test my natural state of yogic equanimity while inflaming my genetic predisposition toward Teutonic Barbarianism. I felt a deep urge for a hockey stick and some solid boards into which i could take into some of these weasel-looking roadies.

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Bear Medicine…

Published on Jun 04, 2013 by in Animal Medicine, Teachings, Uncategorized


it’s that time of the year in Durango…
been mowing the DandyLions and have been stepping in bear cub scat! that’s right…for the first time in four springs since moving back to Durango, my backyard is puncuated with bear CUB scat! there is always a lot of nocturnal sounds here, beside the lusciously deep Ujjaya of the still wild, Animas River still flowing strong with spring runoff…

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